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Cyst Definition

 Cyst is a swelling with a wall and the content may be fluid

or semi fluid or air.
 Ordinarily a cyst has an inner lining of secreting membrane.
 Fluid may be serious, mucoid, sebaceous, saliva, synovial.
 Solid content - tooth or mass of hairs.
 They may be results from new growth or from distension of
pre-existing ducts or spaces.
 Cyst is fluctuating, painless,non
 Cyst is a trasudate.
 It is arises dilation of ducts and
 Cysts are common and can occur
anywhere on the body.
 Cyst often caused by infection,
clogging of sebaceous glands.

 Normal wear and tear or small

blockage in the flow of body fluid.
 Congenital defects.
 Disease processes such as
infection, tumour,chronic
inflammatory Conditions and
certain inherited disease.

Release of proteolytic enzymes.

Degeneration and death of cells in


Connective tissue along with

proliferation of surrounding
This results in formation of several

several microcyst increase in size

coalase to form single established cyst .
Structure of cyst:

1. True cyst:
 This type of cyst wall is lined
by epithilium or endothelium.
 If infection occur cyst wall
will be granulation tissue.
 Fluid is usually serious or
mucoid derived from the
secretions of the lining.
2.False cyst:

 This type of cyst don't have

epithilial lining.
 Fluid collection is as result
of exudation or

1.Retention cyst
2.Exudation cyst/Distension cyst
3.Congenital cyst
4.Encapsulated cyst
5.Degeneration cyst
6.Cysts developing from misplaced
embryonic tissue
7.Ovarian cyst :
a.Follicular cyst.
b.Luteal cyst.
8.Neoplastic cyst
1.Retention cyst:
 It acquiried type of cyst.
 It is arising from occlusion of ducts and glands.
 Examples :

 a) salivary cyst : It is an accumulation of saliva in the

submucosal or subcutaneous tissues after damaging to salivary duct or
gland capsule.
 This is most common salivary gland disorder of dog
 It's caused mainly due to trauma to the gland or choke
b)Ranula: cyst which forms beneath the
tongue and arises from blocking of
ducts of sublingual gland or
it may arise from retention of mucous
secretions of some glands of oral
mucous membrane.
 Common in dog.
b) Branchial cyst(Honey cyst):
It'scongenital abnormality,the cyst results from failure of bronchial
arches to fush(mandibular and hyoid arches).
The cyst develop very gradually and is noticed when dog attain maturity.
It is occasionally seen in dog .

A soft , fluctuating non inflammatory swelling is seen on the ventral

aspect of neck.
Sometimes it gives raise to a fistulous opening on the skin (bonchial
2. Exudation/Distension Cyst:

 Due to accumulation of fluid in a pre existing cavity.

 Example: hydrocele(accumulation of fluid within the
tunica vaginalis , distension of synovial bursa).
3.congenital cyst:

Present at birth,due to failure of embryonic cavity to

closeExample:urachal cyst(it is sinuse remaining from
allontois during embryogenesis.

4.Encapsulated cyst :

 Formed around foreign bodies and parasites.

 Example: hydatidosis,coenurus cerebralis in the brain of
5.cyst developing from
misplaced embryonic tissue
Example: dermoid cyst, dentigerous cyst
Dermoid cyst
it is of conjunctiva,which favour the
junction of sclera and cornea.but extend
usually short distance within the corneal
limbus, is also dependent upon
missplacement of skin tissue.
Dermoid cyst
Dentigerous cyst of temporal bone:
It is an abnormal tooth developing in an
abnormal situation, outside the mouth.
It's most commonly seen in horse, developing on
temporal bone.

 Cyst are non inflammatory and slow

in development.
 They have a well defined periphery.
 A cyst containing fluid will fluctuate
 If the contents are semi solid and
hard ,it fluctuates en masse.
 Exploratory puncture help in
diagnosis of cyst.
Differential diagnosis:

 Cyst need to differentiated from an

inflammatory swelling, abscess and
 Haematoma-it contains coagulated blood
and serum.and has doughly consistency
and may crepitate on palpation.
 Abscess-
 The treatment of cyst depends on
various factors like-
 a)Type of cyst
 b)Where it is
 c)It's size
 d)Degree of discomfort it is causing.
 If cyst is very large,that may causes
symptoms can be surgically removed.
 Cyst can be drained or aspirate,
punctured with a trocar and canula or
by inserting a needle or catheter into
cavity and evacuate the contents.
 If cyst is not accessible drainage or
aspiration can be done with the help
of radiologic imaging.
 And examine the aspirated fluid under
the microscope to determine whether
cancerous cells are present or not.
 If cancerous cells are present suggest
for surgical removal of it.
 An irritant like tincture iodine is
injected into cavity to destroy the
lining membrane.

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