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Injury to the skin caused by contact with fire, hot fluids,
chemicals, excessive sun or electrical shock
Burns are categorized into 1st degree, 2nd degree and 3rd
degree. The degree of a burn depends on the intensity of heat,
duration of contact and type of chemical.
1st and 2nd degree burns are characterized by red, blisters
3nd degree of burns , the muscles and bones are exposed
Immediate Action:
Remove all clothing and apply cool water. In severe burns
leave cloth on and cool the child and call 999 for help. Apply
cooling gel and antibiotic cream and cover the burns area with
clean cloth until help arrives
Do not apply non-clinical ointment, sugar, butter or honey to
avoid possible infection
Do not prick blister to avoid infection
Do not use cold water or ice as it may lead to blistering
An obstruction to the airway caused by solid, semi solid or
liquid objects. Children can chock on food, milk and things they
pick up from ground
Immediate Action:
Place baby face down across the knee and hit baby’s back until
the object is dislodged. For older and larger sized children, you
will need to do Heimlich Manoeuvre
Hugging the child from behind, make a fist with your hands and
press them hard between the ribcage
What to avoid:
Do not try to dig the object with your fingers
Call 999 . Immediate action is crucial as it can lead to death or
brain damage when oxygen is cut off for a few minutes
Send your child to the hospital for an X-ray
 Bone injury sustain form falls. Fractures can be open fractures or
closed fractures, based on whether the skin has ruptured and there
is bleeding
Immediate Action:
 For normal fractures at the hands or legs, make a splint to
immobilize. If the injury is at the neck, head or spine, do not move
the child to avoid worse injuries. Comfort the child and call 999
What to avoid:
 Do not massage affected area
 Avoid moving a child with neck, spine or back fractures as it may
cause severe injuries to internal organ and can cause paralysis or
4 Cut / Scratches / Scrapes
Definition: A break skin. Simple cuts or scratches on the hands and
legs can be handled easily by cleaning up and applying antiseptic
cream or lotion, whereares, cuts at the face, neck or eyes that are
close to vital nerves need medical attention
Action: Clean off blood with cool water , cover with clean cloth and
apply pressure and see doctor for possible stitches or a toxoid
What to avoid: Do not remove blood clot as it helps protect the wound from
further injury. Do not apply non-medical products to avoid infection
Definition: Children are always inserting things into their
nose and ears. They may be solid, semi-solid or non-
solid objects. Sometimes parents are unaware until a foul
smell or discharge is being emitted from nose or ears
much later.
Immediate action:
Bring your child to a doctor for a thorough check-up when
he/she has persistent complaint of nose or ear problems
despite having been on antibiotics. A doctor has a tool
known as long forceps to carefully remove them
What to avoid?
 Do not try to remove foreign matter yourself with cotton
buds as it can get deeper in
 Do not pour water or oil into ears to try flushing it out

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