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• Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology a

computer is/was being used. Initially, the generation term was used
to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. But nowadays,
generation includes both hardware and software, which together
make up an entire computer system.

• There are totally five computer generations known till date. Each
generation has been discussed in detail along with their time period,
characteristics. We've used approximate dates against each
generations which are normally accepted.
• Following are the main five generations of computers
1 st Generation
Vacuum Tube(1940-1956)
-Computers are made of vacuum tube for circuitry
-magnetic drums for storage(metal cylinder)
-Relied on Binary coded language
Ex. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), UNIVAC
-this uses punch cards to produce outputs

- John V. Atanasoff designed the first digital electronic

-from IEEE(Institute for electrical and electronics engineers) .
Disadvantage of the First Generation Computer:
-The "first generation" of electronic computers used vacuum
tubes, which generated large amounts of heat, were bulky, time
consuming and were unreliable
2 nd Generation
- Instead of vacuum tube, computer was replaced by transistors
-semiconductor device(manufactured using germanium or silicon)
-radius of 3 cm
-lesser and smaller in size
-accommodate smaller space
-more reliable than the first generation computer
-introduce particular language called the Assembly language used for programming
-uses magnetic disc for storage
-uses primary and secondary memory
-still generates large amount of heat

- First transistor (model), December 1947. Constructed by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley
3 rd Generation
-replaced transistors with IC (integrated Circuits) 1964-early 1970’s
-Magnetic Disk used for storage
-used ram for primary memory
-high-level language used for programming (C, C++)
-used keyboard and monitor to input and see the output
-portable and can you even carry the system
- generates large amount of heat

-separately invented by Jack Kilby, an engineer with a background in ceramic-based silk screen circuit boards and transistor-based
hearing aids, started working for Texas Instruments in 1958.
-and A year earlier, research engineer Robert Noyce had co-founded the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation. From 1958 to 1959,
both electrical engineers were working on an answer to the same dilemma: how to make more of less.
-Two separate inventors, unaware of each other's activities, invented almost identical integrated circuits or ICs at nearly the same
4th Generation Computer
-Early 1970’s to tell date
-replaced IC to Microprocessor
- Full processing will be done by this particular chip
- Era of LSI(Large Scale Integration)-Thousands of transistors running
- After LSI more transistors were employed so it produced VLSI(Very Large Integration)
- ULSI(Ultra Large Scale Integration)-after this single core was produced
-Versitile(Can make the computer do solve different kinds of problem)

- Gilbert Hyatt at Micro Computer Co. patented the microprocessor; Ted Hoff at Intel in February introduced the 4-bit 4004, a
VSLI(very-large scale integration) of 2300 components, for the Japanese company Busicom to create a single chip for a calculator; IBM
introduced the first 8-inch "memory disk", as it was called then, or the "floppy disk" later; Hoffmann-La Roche patented the passive
LCD display for calculators and watches; in November Intel announced the first microcomputer, the MCS-4; Nolan Bushnell designed
the first commercial arcade video game "Computer Space“
5 th Generation
-Current to beyond
-Circuits that are capable of thinking of its own
-Artificial Intelligence, Parallel Processing
-SLSI(Super large Scale Integration)
-for advanced applications
-may able to predict, think and may do everything a human can do
Data is a collection of unorganized facts, which include words, numbers,
images, and sounds. Computers process data to create information.
Information is data that is organized, has meaning and is useful.
Example: reports, newsletters, a receipt, a picture, an invoice or a check.

Data are the foundation of Information, which is the Bedrock of Knowledge.

Introduction to Computer Technology
Computer Definition
• Computer is an electronic machine operating under the control of
instructions stored in its memory unit that can:
• - accept data (inputs)
- process data arithmetically and logically
- produce results (outputs)
- * A Machine that is used for electronic data processing
Terms of computer technology
>Major Components of the Computer:
i) Input – the data entered into a computer.
ii) Output – the processed results.
iii) Storage – a place whereas a computer hold data and information for future use.
i) User - a person that communicate with a computer or uses the
information it generates.
ii) Hardware – the electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment that
makes up a computer
iii) Software – is the series of instruction that tells the hardware how to
perform tasks.
Types of Computers
• Supercomputers
- the most powerful type of computer. These machines are special high
capacity computers used by very large organizations.

Eg. NASA uses supercomputers to track and control space explorations.

• Mainframe computers
– need specially wired, air conditioned rooms. Not powerfully as
supercomputers. Mainframe computers capable of great processing speeds
and data storage.

Eg. Insurance companies use mainframe to process information about

millions of policy
• Minicomputers
– are refrigerator-sized machines. Medium-sized companies or departments of large
companies always use them for specific purposes.

Eg. Production departments use minicomputers to monitor certain manufacturing

processes and assembly line operations.

• Microcomputers
- The least powerful, yet the most widely used and fastest-growing, type of
i) desktop
ii) notebook
iii) tablet PC
iv) handheld computers (palm computers/PDA )
1 whole Yellow pad:
1. Give atleast 5 input, output, and storage device
2. Provide the definition
3. Corresponding price of each device

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