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What is Ethics ?

• Ethics is a Greek origin word and described as related to moral. The guiding ethical principles of
behavior in working life are called occupational ethics .In social life, there are some moral rules
that are to be followed by people individually. In general, these rules can be sorted as being
respectful to all members of society, being tolerant of different cultures and ideas, equality, distributing
the resources fairly. Common ethical values can be ordered as honesty, being trustworthy, loyalty,
justice, having the responsibility of citizenship and such . Ethics is the extent to which the individual
supports the moral code through conduct. So that a code of ethics describes the morality expected
from individual
The five fundamental principles
Integrity competence and
due care
A professional accountant should be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships.
A professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional
or business judgments.

Duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives based
on current developments in practice, techniques and professional standards.
A professional accountant should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional.
A professional accountant should comply with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any action that discredits
the profession.

Ethical factors of the Civil Engineer.
• Respect for others and their rights.
• Know how to communicate respectfully with staff.
• Responsibility.
• Commitment to the environment and culture.
• Be aware of social issues, to help find a solution.
• Solidarity.
• Courtesy.
Civil Engineering
We can say that the oldest ethical engineering .
The earliest practice of civil engineering may have
commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in ancient
the Indus Valley Civilization, and Mesopotamia (ancient
Iraq) when humans started creating a need for the
construction of shelter.
Outcome of Engineering Ethics

• increased ethical sensitivity

• increased knowledge of relevant standards of conduct,
• improved ethical judgment and
• improved ethical will-power (i.e., a greater ability to act ethically
when one wants to).
When you leave this Lecture Hall today you must leave with the
knowledge and conviction that you have a professional and
moral responsibility to yourselves and to your fellow human
beings to defend the truth and expose any questionable
practice that will lead to an unsafe product or process


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