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 Formulated by an American sociologist

Immanuel Wallerstein (1970)

 Grand Narrative of world historical

development from 16th century to present.

 Capitalist world economy

 Geographical division of labor

 Inthis view, Wallerstein’s
divides the nations and
areas of the world into
three units, the core, the
peripheral, and the
 Dominated the economic structure

 Striving to maintain the dominance

 Trying to expound authority in the world

 Provide agriculture products

 Luxury of goods

 Raw materials

 Cheap source of labor

 Serve as an intermediary trading areas
between core and peripheral nations

 Have small manufacturing sectors

 Geared to both international and local trade

 Some capital accumulation

 Refers to those situations in which
on static combines economic,
political, and financial amd
superiority over strong states, and
therefore has both ,military and
cultural as well as economic and
political power.
 The United Provinces (Netherlands) in the
mid-seventeenth century;

 Great Britain in the mid-nineteenth century

 The United States in the mid-twentieth


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