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— Zhao Fly —

history of the development of the

brunei industry
Brunei Darussalam is one of the oil and gas producing
countries in Southeast Asia

main export commodities are

crude oil, petroleum products
and liquefied natural gas with
the main export destination
countries: J apan, Indonesia,
South Korea, Singapore,
Malaysia and Australia
income dependence from oil and gas exports

To reduce dependence on state revenues from oil

and gas, since the 19 9 0s the G overnment of Brunei
Darussalam has implemented an economic
diversification program through the development of
the industrial, trade, service and tourism sectors
No longer willing to rely on oil and natural gas as the main income, Brunei is ready to boost 13
other sectors, and become the 10 most advanced countries by 2035
the Liang River Industrial Park

diversification program policies

.1 development project,

eco-tourism development, Islamic

.2 financial center development,

Brunei Halal Brand


conductive investment
.4 climate development and HR
after the program runs, Brunei's agrifood industry is considered
highly diversified and is one of Brunei's main industries
besides the halal indusTry and agrifood

Liang River Industrial Park (SPARK) for Petrochemicals and oil and gas downstream
activities, the Muara Besar Island area (PMB) which are used as development goals
Thank you for downloading support for Panzhihua City, Sichuan
Province, Flying Impression Design, we focus on all kinds of graphic

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