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Anxiety is when you feel scared about doing

something or when something is happening which
worries you. Sometimes you are not sure why you feel
anxious. Although worry, fear and anxiety are
unpleasant, they can all be helpful:
 Psychologically - they keep us alert and give us
the 'get up and go' to deal with problems;
 Physically - they make our body ready for
action - to run away from danger or to attack
What does anxiety feel like?

In the mind
 Feeling worried all the time
 Feeling tired
 Unable to concentrate
 Feeling irritable
 Sleeping badly
 Feeling depressed
In the body
 Fast or irregular heartbeats (palpitations)
 Sweating
 Face goes pale
 Dry mouth
 Muscle tension and pains
 Trembling
 Numbness or tingling in fingers, toes or lips
 Breathing fast
 Dizziness
 Faintness
 Indigestion
 Passing water frequently
 Nausea, stomach cramps
 Diarrhea
What causes these kinds of anxiety?

1. Genes
2. Psychology
3. Trauma
4. Drugs
How can I get help for anxiety?

Talk about it
 Self-help groups.
 Learning to relax.
 Family and Friends
It is a type of
anxiety disorder that
causes an individual to
experience extreme,
irrational fear about a
situation, living creature,
place or object.
Phobias are acquired through learning
from the environment:

1. Through classical conditioning (direct):

2. Through social learning (vicarious):
3. Through operant conditioning:
Interesting Phobias

Angrophobia – fear
of being angry.

Zoophobia – fear
of animals.
Interesting Phobias

Peladophobia –
fear of bald people.

Ablutophobia –
fear of bathing.
Interesting Phobias

Alektorophobia –
fear of chickens.

– fear of clocks.
Interesting Phobias

Pediophobia –
fear of dolls.

Panophobia - fear
of everything.
Interesting Phobias

Pentheraphobia –
fear to mother-in-

Nomatophobia –
fear of names.
Interesting Phobias

Phobophobia – fear
of having a phobia.

Genuphobia –
fear of knees.
Interesting Phobias

Arithmophobia –
fear of numbers.

Thanatophobia –
fear of death.

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