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The definition  Menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan dimasa lampau.

Pattern: (+). S + V.2 + O
(-). S + Auxuluary verb (Did) + not + V.1 + O
(?). Auxuluary verb (Did)+ S + V.1 + O?
Example: (+). Ridho brought a dictionary
(-). Ridho did not/ didn’t bring a
dictionary yesterday.
(?). Did Ridho bring a dictionary yesterday?
Yes, he did.
No, he did not/ didn’t.
 Time signals / Adverb of times: Yesterday, last ….
(week/ month/ year), etc.
*Penggunaan Auxuluary verb (Kata kerja bantu) “Did”
dipakai untuk semua subjectnya:
I, we, you, they, he, she, it = Did

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