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Directions: The reporters will divide the
students into 4 groups. Each group will
arrange the puzzled picture that is
related to the topic that will be tackle
later. After they assemble the puzzled
pictures, make a yell to show that the
work is done!
The Human Brain as the Neural Network
Neural network is a computer system modelled on the
human brain and nervous system.
The human brain can be described as the biological neural
network- an interconnected web of neurons transmitting
elaborate patterns of electrical signals. Dendrites receive input
signals, and based on those inputs, fire an output signal via an
axon. How the human brain actually works is an elaborate and
complex mystery.
Developing engaging animated systems does not require
scientific rigor or accuracy. It can simply be inspired by the idea
of brain function.
 The part of the brain that tells us the direction to travel when we
navigate has been identified by British scientists. It has long been
known that some people are better at navigating that others,
but until now it has been unclear. The latest study, led by the
researchers from University College London (ULC), shows that the
strength and reliability of “homing signals” in the human brain
vary among people and can predict navigational ability. The
research reveals that the part of the brain that signals which
direction you are facing, called the entorhinal region, is also used
to signal the direction which you need to travel to reach your
destination. In other words, the researchers have found where
our “sense of direction” comes from in the brain and worked out
a way to measure it using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Every individual is connected to each other.
Each one is a unique thread in a tapestry, with
unique capacity to contribute to the whole.
We are connected, not just human, but also to
our environment and everything around us. Each
of us need each other to survive.
We are into the world of social networking. There is no
escaping it. Gone are the days when an event pass
unnoticed. Everything now is disclosed in any social
network and stays on it. Social network like twitter,
YouTube, Facebook, face time, and instagram provides
enormous help to humanity. Social network also
changed our way of living. And the world faces many
challenges due to the drawback that social networks
Some problems are the interaction between
humans. They talk more on social media, but acts as if
they don’t know each other on personal. Social
networking sites also affects the academic
performances of students. And also, cyber bullying is
the most common problem in our society, they bully
and destructs the dignity of people just by posting
inaccurate things about a certain person.
Social networks provide enormous help to humanity
Social networks have changed the way people live
The world faces many challenges in the 21St century
due to drawbacks social networks bring.
“And however difficult life
may seem there is always
something you can do, and
succeed at. It matters that
you don’t just give up.” ~
Stephen Hawking

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