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Guided by:-Prof. Sundaresan Raman

Prepared by:-Mr. Hiren Kumar Praharaj
Junior Research Fellow, Dept. of CSIS
Fig. displaying AI & ML& DL
 Artificial Intelligence:-The capability of a machine
to imitate intelligent human behavior.

 Machine Learning:- Machine learning is a field of

computer science that gives the computer the
ability to learn without being explicitly

 Deep Learning:- Deep learning is the subset of

machine learning and machine learning is a subset
of artificial intelligence.
 Supervised Learning:-Learning with a labeled
training set. For e.g. email spam detector with
training set of already labeled emails.

 Unsupervised Learning:-Discovering patterns in

unlabeled data. For e.g. cluster similar
documents based on text content.

 Reinforcement Learning:-Learning based on

feedback or reward. For e.g. Learn to play chess
by wining or loosing.
Applications of supervised learning (Machine learning)
 Overview of the system:-
 Data collections:- We have collected images of
ears and leaves of pearl millets.

 We have collected the following number of

 Diseased ears:-109
 Healthy ears:-205
 Diseased leaves:-178
 Healthy leaves:- 236

 For pre-processing (image cropping) and training

deep learning model, we will use python
 Tensorflow
 Opencv
 Pytorch
 NumPy
 Matplotlib
 For pre-processing and deep learning training model, we
require python programming.
 First we have to do object detection.
 We can use pre-trained model or we have to train our
own dataset.
 Some object detection models are:-
 YOLO model(You Only Look Once)
 Yolo-tiny.h5 model(Pre-trained model(Downloaded))
 Yolo object detection with opencv(using coco dataset)
 Tensorflow detection model(Downloading Tensorflow API)
 Tensorflow-coco model
 Python programming using Spyder and Jupyter notebook.
 COCO dataset
 Kitti dataset
 Open Images dataset
 AVA v2.1 dataset
 iNaturalist Species Detection Dataset
PEARL MILLETS LEAF DETECTION(Python coding in Jupyter notebook)
 Python coding (In Spyder)
 Open the terminal in Ubuntu (Ctrl +Alt + T)

For Images the commands in the terminal

Object detection of person, tv-monitor, remote, dog and chair using yolo model
Object detection of persons and suitcases using yolo model
Persons detection using yolo object detection model with opencv
Object detection of persons and clocks using yolo model inside BITS campus
For videos commands in the terminal
Object detection of cars in a video file
Python code for eye and face detection using Haar-cascade detection model in opencv
It’s my photo!!
 Here we learn about different object detection
 Here we learn about deep learning and its
 Here we have to make survey of new techniques
in deep learning with existing ones.
 Here we have to work on depth with ears and
leaves of pearl millets(bajara).
 Here we can work with more on Tensorflow-coco
 Hence , we learn about different pre-trained
object detection models.
 Tyagi,A.C.,2016.Towards a second green revolution.
 Schmidhuber,J.,2015.Deep learning in neural
networks: An overview. Neural Networks61,85-117.
 Sladojevic,S.,Arsenovic,M.,Anderla,A.,Culibrk,
D.,Stefanovic, D.,2016.Deep neural networks based
recognition of plant diseases by leaf image
classification. Comput. Intell. Neursci.2016.

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