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New Beginning:

Entering a New Season

Shock Wave is
created when the
aircraft enters
the speed of sound
-- 340 mps or
1,225 kph.
How can
I enter
a New
Jos 1:1 After the death of Moses
the servant of the LORD, the LORD
said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses'
Jos 1:2 "Moses my servant is
dead. Now then, you and all these
people, get ready to cross the
Jordan River into the land I am
about to give to them--to the
Jos 1:3 I will give you every
place where you set your foot,
as I promised Moses.
Jos 1:4 Your territory will
extend from the desert to
Lebanon, and from the great
river, the Euphrates--all the
Hittite country--to the Great Sea
on the west.
Jos 1:5 No one will be able to stand up
against you all the days of your life.
As I was with Moses, so I will be
with you; I will never leave you nor
forsake you.
Jos 1:6 "Be strong and courageous,
because you will lead these people to
inherit the land I swore to their
forefathers to give them.
How can I enter to a New Season?

1. I Must Arm myself with the

Presence of God.
Josh 1:5 No one will be able to stand
against you all the days of your life. As I was
with Moses, so I will be with you; I will
never leave you nor forsake you.

Exo 33:15 Then Moses said to him, "If your

Presence does not go with us, do not send
us up from here.
The Power of God’s Presence in your life

1. God’s Presence brings Freedom. 2 Cor 3:17

2. God’s Presence brings Victory. 2 Sam 5:1-12
3. God’s Presence brings Joy. Ps 16:11b
4. God’s Presence brings Healing. (Jehovah
Rapha. Exo 15:26)
5. God’s presence brings Protection. Ps 23: 4
6. God’s Presence brings abundant provisions.
Manna and Quails. Feeding the 5000 and 4000.
(Jehovah Jireh)
How can I enter to a New Season?

2. I Must Arm myself with the

Word of God.
Jos 1:8 Study this Book of the
Law continually. Meditate on it
day and night so you may be
sure to obey all that is written in
it. Only then will you succeed.
How can I enter to a New Season?

3. Arm myself with clear


"Moses my servant is dead. Now then,

you and all these people, get ready to
cross the Jordan River into the
land I am about to give to them--
to the Israelites. Josh 1:2.
How can I enter to a New Season?

Mission - The reason of our existence.

It defines the purpose of an organization.

Answers three questions about

why an organization exists…

1. WHAT it does (Ano kanilang ginagawa?)

2. WHO it does it for (Para kanino ang kanilang
3. HOW it does what it does (Papaano nila
ginagawa ang kanilang ginagawa)
What is your mission?

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