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This is the real age for pursuing education in an intensified

The students have to write the public examination and

score high marks to ensure admission in to higher academic

Any school or college will have students of different

standards and rating

All of them are fall in to the following categories.

* Brilliant student.
* Average student.
Brilliant student:

a) A brilliant student who score high marks

b) A brilliant student who fail to score high marks.

Average student :

a) An average student who score high marks.

b) An average student who fail to score high marks.

Who is Brilliant student?

1) One who uses his brain power to the maximum extent
2) One who know the subject thoroughly.
3) One who can grasp and understand quickly.
4) One who can adopt accordingly.
5) One who can think originally
6) One who can motivated.
7) One who loves to take up challenges.
Who is an Average student?

An average student means one whom usage of

the brain half of that used by a brilliant student.

An average student can also be brilliant if he

learns use his brain better.

However, generally people rates a student

based on their marks. If a student scores high
marks, every one considered him brilliant. On
the other hand if a student misses to score high
marks, he is automatically branded an average
General: If you observe any achiever, you will
understand the secret behind his Success .He will
be very clear about his GOAL.

If one is focused in life towards achieving some thing

be clear about your Goal.
Symptoms of lack of clarity of Goal.

1) Getting up late in the morning.

2) Aiming too many things and changing them often.
3) Postponing things often.
4) Giving up the aim in the middle.
5) Wasting lot of time in gossiping, Internet chatting,
computer games cinema.
6) Watching T.V and using cell phone for long. Time
7) Sleeping for long hours.
8) Laziness at work.
9) Getting tired easily.
10) Feeling boredom and lacking enthusiasm.
How to focus your self towards the Goal.

1)Auto - Suggestion
2)Self - Hypnosis
3) Auto - Commands
4) Visualization.
Auto –Suggestion

Auto- suggestion is to eliminate from your mind all

negative thoughts and feelings in to Positive thoughts.

I am --------
Able Hopeful Active Wealthy
Capable Obedient Energetic Dedicated
Truthful Lucky Excellent Disciplined
Faithful Fortunate Strong Devoted
Wonderful Outstanding Confident Courageous
Beautiful Intelligent Happy Determined
Successful Brilliant Healthy Patriotic
Self- Hypnosis

1)I will surely become an outstanding student.

2)I will be great achiever in life.
3)I will prove my worth.
4)I will use my time usefully the whole day today.
5)I can do it.
6)This is my challenge.
This is my challenge.
This is my challenge.
Self Commands

Self-commands are to silently shout. Where ever

you fall short of your best, shout at your self with
un kind words such as ….
Stupid, idiot, fool, how can do this, no, cant do it, come
on, concentrate, do it better.

Similarly when you things excellent like

Wise praising your self
good, done excellently, really capable, great going, keep
it up.

Visualization is powerful process, visualize

the ideas in mind before any think can do it,
it help as to do better.

Every one is blessed with more than ten

thousand core brain cell. But still an average
person uses about 5 – 10 %.
A human mind generally programming the
Sub conscious, it means programming such as ….

Negative Traits
Negative Habits
Negative Thinking
All of have tow mind

1) Conscious
2) Sub conscious

Conscious mind: It is the mind of the present

( + ve ), any think that you do, if do it
consciously that work will be excellent.

Subconscious mind: It is the mind of the past

( - ve ), it is very powerful, when you want do
something , the conscious mind consult the
subconscious mind and approve the proposal
(of the conscious mind) if you have already
done in similar work in the past.
Programming Negative Traits

1) Jealousy
2) Impatient
3) Short temper.
Programming Negative Habits

6)Argument and fighting.
Programming Negative Thinking

1)I am useless.
2)I cant understand.
3)I don’t like this
4)Life is boring
5)Education is taxing.
6)I am very un lucky.
7)I cant do well.

Hence use the power of mind, programming in a

Positive way.

Never move closely with negative people

Always make friends with positive and bright student.

For a student very important requirement is
concentration power it means preparing the mind.

When you want study , you need to prepare the

mind before you start studying. If you do that you will be
get peak concentration and will be able to understand the
subject very well.
State of mind
Our mind does not work in the same way at all time.
1) Brisk state.
2) Relaxed state
3) Drowsy state.
4) Deep sleep state.
Brisk state:
Best for physical and routine work., for writing records
and assignment.

Relaxed state:
Most suitable for mind work , will get peak
concentration in this state for studying , listening to

Drowsy state:
This is half sleep state mind will be very lazy , so does
not give any strong input. It is most suitable for hypnosis.

Deep sleep:
This is the most relaxing state for both body and mind ,
that makes you get refreshed.
The state of mind can be found out by EEG
(Electro Encephalogram)

State of mind Scientific name EEG recording

( Cycle / Sec.)

Brisk Beta State 13 and above

Relaxed Alpha state 8 – 12
Drowsy Theta state 4-8
Deep sleep Delta state 1–4
Concentration Technique.

1) Alpha breathing
2) Meditation
3) Visualization
4) Glancing
5) Breath observation
6) Cyclic method
Alpha breathing
Relaxed state is most suitable state of mind to get
peak concentration . This can be attained by regulating
your breathing.

Most youngsters think that meditation for the aged
and retired persons . It is needed more for you than them.
Spend a few minutes doing meditation.

Meditation brings

1) Calm to mind.
2) Concentration in studies
3) Prepare your mind to do well on your studies.
4) Sharpness at work.
Before studying , just visualize your goal for a
minute and proceed , this makes you focused , and give
peak concentration in studies.

Glancing (Brief look)

Before studying any thing first through it for about
a minute ( from beginning to end) . This will prepare to
mind to concentrate.

Breath observation
This is very easy and effective , before studying or
doing any work , just close your eye for a minute and
observe your breathing process , you will find your
concentration considerably increased.
Cyclic Method
Peak Concentration

Present Study well

Life is great
Did you exam very well

Excellent Job Excelled in Studies

Became a Profession
Could not concentrate

Could not Study well


Wrote exam badly

Life is horrible

Failed miserably

No Job

General : Memory is the most important requirement

every body to excel in every walk of life , including studies.

Most students possess super memory, if it is

arranged and kept in a systematic manner.

The following are memory focused to increase your

memory power.

1) Natural memory
2) Memory mnemonics
3) Permanent memory
4) Memory imaging
5) Memory diagram.
Natural memory
is in-built memory in our brain, recall the
previous activity arranging chronological order
and visualize all activity, while recalling, we
should recall the events in the same order, this
should increase the natural memory

Memory Mnemonics
are Codes or Clues to improve memory,
if use those mnemonics systematically we can
achieve super memory.
Mnemonics can be in the form of Words,
Sentences or link.
Permanent memory
This is a planning technique to improve
the long term memory, the reviews of subjects
have to be made systematically in order to
ensure long term memory.

1st review after 1st day

2nd review after 1st week
3rd review after 1 month
4th review after 3 month
5th review after 6 month
6th review during the annual exam time.
Memory imaging
This is a memory addition, after reading a page
thoroughly gazes at it for a few seconds before reading
the next page. When gazing at the page the image of
the entire page gets stored in subconscious

Memory diagram
Memory diagram are very effective and is an
innovative way of remembering things or concept.

Memory diagram concept first needs to select a

suitable diagram or drawing for remembering any
subject or topics.

It may be limited for mathematics and static’s.


Exam. Preparation is an art, and exam. is a written

presentation for scoring High marks.

Phases of exam. Preparation

1)During Academic year.

2)During Study holiday.
3)During Exam. Day.
During Academic Year

Students have worked to plan, studied and

prepare for one academic year. Work hard during
academic year and work smart during examTime.

1) Attend all the classes regularly.

2) Read textbooks, reference books, class notes.
3) Thoroughly understand the subject.
4) Do not leave out any portions.
5) Any doubts whatsoever, consult your teacher.
6) Group reviews from other students to get
clarification and doubts.
7) Refer previous year question paper.
8) Prepare your own exam. Notes and Keynotes
or summary.
9) Attend exam. Such as weekly test, cycle test,
unit test , monthly test.
10)Write model exam.
During Study holiday
Generally just before the exam ,
2 – 3 weeks of study holidays . During those
days you must read the exam notes and key
notes for all the subject.
Read text books or reference books if you
seek any clarification or doubts.

During Exam day

Should read and recollect the exam notes
and key notes, while studying scribble
( on paper) key words, important equation and
aspects relevant to subject for next day
On the day of exam

Exam score depends on how well students

presents his answer in the exam.

In other words the fruits of the entire hard

work all through the year depends merely on your
exam presentation.
Exam Presentation skill
1)Selection of question .
2)Neat and legible presentation.
3)Good margin.
4)Bigger letter.
5)Sub heading with underline.
6)Gap between words.
7)Written in paragraphs .
8)Enough gaps between paragraphs.
9)Time management.
Exam Routine requirements
1) Pens
2) Pencil
3) Eraser
4) Sharpener
5) Scale
6) Sketch pen
7) Calculator (for college)
8) Wrist watch
9) Writing pad (if allowed)
10) Hall ticket.( for public exam. )
What makes you an achiever in your life

Apart from studies a student should equip your

self with

1) Life skill
2) Fine arts
3) Martial arts
4) Co – Curricular activities
5) Social service activities
6) Reading habit
1)Life skill
Public speaking

2)Fine arts

3) Martial arts
4)Co – Curricular activities
Learning skill
Group discussion
Personality development

5)Social service activities


6)Reading habit
General knowledge books .
Success in Examination and an Achiever in
Your Life.


Manager / Civil / Factory
BHEL - Tiruchy -14.

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