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Paper recycling is a process that is used to turn waste
papers into new paper products. The process of paper
recycling begins by soaking used or old papers in
water for about 12 until 24 hours. After that, the
papers are shredded until they become the pulp. Then,
the pulp is mixed with adhesive to make the pulp
sticks to each other. After all the materials are mixed,
the mixed papers are placed on the mold to separate
water from the papers. Finally, the recycled papers are
dried under the sunlight.
 Paper recycling is a process that is used to turn waste papers
into new paper products.
 The process of paper recycling begins by soaking used or old
papers in water for about 12 until 24 hours.
 The papers are shredded until they become the pulp.
 The pulp is mixed with adhesive to make the pulp sticks to each
 After all the materials are mixed, the mixed papers are placed
on the mold to separate water from the papers.
 The recycled papers are dried under the sunlight.
 The papers are shredded until they become the pulp.
 The pulp is mixed with adhesive
 The materials are mixed
 The mixed papers are placed on the mold
 The recycled papers are dried under the sunlight.

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