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The array is the fundamental form

that MATLAB uses to store and
manipulate data.

An array is a list of numbers arranged

in rows and/or columns.

• Frequently represents vectors

• A list of numbers that is placed in a
row or column
• In MATLAB, a vector is created by
assigning the elements of the vector
to a variable
Creating a vector from a known list
of elements
Syntax: var_name = [type vector elements]

Row vector: Type elements with a space or comma between

the elements inside the square brackets
row = [ 1 2 3,4]

Column vector: Type the left square bracket [ and then enter
the elements with a semicolon between them, or press
the ENTER key after each element. Type the right square
bracket ] after the last element.
col = [1;2;3;4]
Creating a vector with constant
Syntax: var_name = [m:q:n]
or var_name = m:q:n
where m is the first term
q is the spacing
n is the last term
>> x = [1:2:13]
>> y = [1.5:-0.1:1]
>> z = [-3:7]
Creating a vector with constant
spacing given the number of terms
Syntax: var_name = linspace(xi,xf,n)
where xi is the first element
xf is the last element
n is the number of elements
>> va = linspace(0,8,6)
>> vb = linspace(30,10,11)
• Also called a matrix, has numbers in rows
and columns
• Size of a matrix: mxn
where m is the number of rows
n is the number of columns
• Created by assigning the elements of a
matrix to a variable
Syntax: var_name = [ 1st row elements; 2nd
row elements; 3rd row elements; …;last row
>> a = [5 53 43; 4 7 78; 35 67, 8]
>> b = [ 2 4 6 7 8
3 4 67 2 9
23 4 5 6 34]

Note: all rows must have the same number

of elements
The elements that can be entered can be
numbers or mathematical expressions that
may include numbers, predefined variables
and functions.

>> cd = 6; e = 3; h = 4;
>> Mat = [e, cd*h, cos(pi/3);h^2,
sqrt(h*h/cd), 14]
Rows of a matrix can also be entered as
vectors using the notation for creating
vectors with constant spacing or the
linspace command.

>> A = [1:2:11;0:5:25;linspace(10,60,6);
67 2 43 68 4 13]
Columns (n) A(2, 4)
1 2 3 4 5
A= 1 45
3.23 1
2 7 12 17 22
2 56 76 2.34 4 2
Rows 3 3 8 13 18 23
273 21 4.5 2.56 2.06
4 9 14 19 24
4 78 2.12 98 -4.67 2.45
5 10 15 20 25
5 2 23 7 1 0.2
Use square
Column separator
Row separator
using the colon operator

Utility function for

creating matrices

Loading pre-existing
variables using LOAD
Using other
Matrix element

Matrices must be
rectangular. Undefined
elements set to zero

Scalar: 1-by-1 array

Vector: m-by-1 array
n-by-1 array
Matrix:m-by-n array
Matrix Operations
( ) parentheses
‘ comp. transpose
^ power
* multiplication
/ division
\ left division
+ addition
- subtraction
Matrix Addition and Subtraction
If A and B are two matrices having the same
order, then
• the sum of A and B, denoted by A + B, is
the matrix for which each of its elements is
the sum of the corresponding elements of
A and B.
• the difference of A and B, denoted by
A – B, is defined by
A – B = A + (-B)

5 -2 1  4 7 6
A=   and B =  
3 0 -4  -1 8 -3

5+4 -2+7 1+6  9 5 7 

A B=    2 8  7 
 3-1 0+8 -4-3  
 54 27 1 6 
A B   
3    1 0  8  4    3  
1 -9 -5 
A B=  
 4 -8 -1
Matrix Multiplication
When performing matrix multiplication,
these rules apply:
• Inner dimensions must be equal
• Dimensions of the resulting matrix are
the outermost dimensions of
multiplied matrices
Example: Given
 2 -3
 3 0 -4 
A=   and B = 4 -1 
 -2 2 -1   
1 5 
2  3
3 0  4  
AB    4  1
 2 2  1 
 1 5 

  3  2   0  4     4 1  3   3    0   1    4  5  
 
  2 2   2 4     11   2  3    2  1    1 5  
2 -29  12 -6 -5 
AB =   
 BA = 14 -2 -15
3 -1   
 7 10 -9 

Use MATLAB to get the product of the

Matrix Division
The division operation is associated with
the rules of linear algebra. MATLAB has
two types of array division: the right and
the left division.
The left division ( \ ) is used to solve
the matrix equation AX = B.
The right division ( / ) is used to solve
the equation XC = D.
Solve the system of linear equations:
3 x  4 y  8z  7

 4 x  y  6 z  1
x  8 y  z  10

Rewrite in matrix form: (3)(x)+(-4)(y)+(8)(z)=7
3  4 8   x   7 
4 1  6  y    1 or
    
 1 8 1   z  10 
3 4 1
 x y z  4 1 8   7  1 10
 8  6 1
Solving the form AX = B:
>> A = [ 3 -4 8; 4 1 -6; 1 8 1 ];
>> B = [ 7; -1; 10 ];
>> Xa = A\B

Solving the form XC = D:

>> C = [ 3 4 1; -4 1 8; 8 -6 1 ];
>> D = [ 7 -1 10 ];
>> Xc = D/C
Array Operations

.‘ comp. transpose
.^ power
.* multiplication
./ division
Scalar Addition
MATLAB allows the addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of scalars to
matrices of any size (known as scalar

>> w = [ 1 2; 3 4 ] + 5
Array Multiplication
When using array multiplication (.*), the
following rules apply:
• Matrices must have the same
• Dimensions of resulting matrix are the
dimensions of the multiplied matrices
• Resulting elements are the product of
corresponding elements
Type the following in the command window:

>> a = [ 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4 ]
>> b = [ 1: 4; 1:4]
>> c = a.*b

Note: Other element-by-element

operations are (.^), (./) and (.\).
Common Matrix Functions

inv( ) matrix inverse

det( ) determinant
rank( ) matrix rank
eig( ) eigenvectors & values
svd( ) singular value dec.
norm( ) matrix/vector norm
Determinant of a Matrix
• A determinant is a scalar computed from
the entries in a square matrix.

• In MATLAB, the function det computes

the determinant of a square matrix.

For a 2 x 2 matrix:

>> A [1 3;-1 5]
1 3
-1 5
>> det(A)
ans =

For a 3 x 3 matrix:

>> A [1 3 0;-1 5 2;1 2 1]

1 3 0
-1 5 2
1 2 1
>> det(A)
ans =
Systems of Linear Equations by Cramer’s Rule

Example: Solve for x, y, z In the command window,

Given: just type:
3 – 4 8  >> D = [3 –4 8;4 1 –6;1 8 1]
3x –4y + 8z = 7 D = 4 1 – 6 >> Dx = [7 –4 8;- 1 1 –6;10 8 1]
 
4x + y – 6z = -1 1  8 1  >> Dy = [3 7 8;4 -1 –6;1 10 1]

x + 8y + z = 10  7 - 4 8
  >> Dz = [3 -4 7;4 1 –1;1 8 10]
Dx = - 1 1 - 6
10 8 >> x = det(Dx)/det(D)
3 7 8  >> y = det(Dy)/det(D)
   3 – 4 7
Dy = 4 – 1 – 6 4 1 - 1 
1 10 1  Dz =  
>> z = det(Dz)/det(D)
1 8 10 
Systems of Linear Equations

[A,B] = equationsToMatrix([eq1, eq2, eq3], [x, y, z])

= B=
3 – 4 8  
4 1 – 6 7
  -1
1 8 1 
Functions Descriptions
magic(n) creates an n x n matrix where the
sum of its diagonal, rows and
columns are equal
eye(n) creates an n x n identity matrix
ones(n) creates an n x n matrix of ones
ones(m,n) creates an m x n matrix of ones
zeros(n) creates an n x n matrix of zeros
zeros(m,n) creates an m x n matrix of zeros
size(A) returns a row vector [m, n]
containing the sizes of the m x n
array A
length(A) computes either the number of
elements of A if A is a vector or the
largest value of m or n if A is an m x
n matrix
sum(A) sums the elements in each column
of the array A and returns a row
vector containing the sums
sort(A) sorts each column of the array A in
ascending order and returns an
array the same size as A
max(A) returns the algebraically largest
element in A if A is a vector.
Returns a row vector containing
the largest elements in each
column if A is a matrix
min(A) same as max(A) but returns
minimum values
diag(A) returns the main diagonal of A
Generating “Special” Matrices
Identity Matrix
eye(m,n) returns an m x n rectangular
identity matrix
eye(n) returns a n x n square identity matrix

>> A = eye (3)

>> B = eye(3,2)
>> C = [ 1 2 3 ; 4 2 6 ]
>> D = eye(size(C))
Try creating:

1. 4 x 4 all zeros-matrix
2. 3 x 4 all ones-matrix
3. 5 x 4 all five-matrix
4. 4 x 4 magic square
To create a 4 x 4 magic square:

In the command window, just type:

>> magic(4)

16 2 3 13
17 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
Transpose of a Matrix
The transpose of a matrix is a new matrix in
which the rows of the original matrix are the
columns of the new matrix.

In the command window, just type:

>> A=magic(4)
>> B=A’
Inverse of a Matrix
By definition, the inverse of a square matrix A
is the matrix A-1 such that the matrix products AA-1
and A-1A are both equal to the identity matrix.
Not every matrix has an inverse. A matrix has
an inverse only if it is square and its determinant is
not equal to zero.
In the command window, just type:
>> A=rand(4) Check:
>> A*B
>> B=inv(A) >> B*A
Numerical Array Concatenation
You can join matrices using square
brackets, which is the array concatenation
operator. Within the brackets, a
space/comma is used to separate rows;
while a semicolon is used to separate
>> a = [ 1 2; 3 4 ]
>> cat_a = [ a, 2*a; 3*a, 4*a; 5*a, 6*a]
Array Subscripting / Indexing
[ ]Use
( ) index
to A(2, 4)
1 2 3 4 5 A(1:5,5)
A= 1
4 3 8 3 1 A(:,5)
2 6 7 4 4 2 A(:,end)
3 3 1 5 2 5 A(21: 25)
4 8 2 8 7 4 A(21:end)

5 2 3 7 1 8 A(4:5,2:3)
A([9 14;10 15])
Array indices are the row and column
numbers of an element and they are used to
keep track of the array’s elements.
Address Description
A(2) refers to 2nd element in the vector v
A(3,4) refers to the element in row 3,
column 4
A(:) represents all the row or column
elements of the vector v
A(1:3) represents the 1st through 3rd
elements of v
A(:, 2) denotes all the elements in the 2nd
column of A
A(:, 1:4) denotes all the elements in the 1st
through 4th column of A
A(3, :) denotes all the elements in the 3rd
row of A
A(2:4, :) denotes all the elements in the 2nd
through 4th row of A
A(2:3,1:3) denotes all the elements in the 2nd
through 3rd row that are also in the
Example of Programming:
>> A=rand(4,4) % creates a 4 x 4 matrix A
>> col1=A(:,1) % stores the elements of
the 1st column of A to col1
>> row2=A(2,:) % stores the elements of the 2nd
row of A to row2
>> [sorted,i] = sort (col1)
% sorts the elements of col1
from lowest to highest
>> sorted = col1(i)
% arranges the elements from
highest to lowest
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