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Being A K-POP Fan Is Not

Always Associated With
Negative Things
Mega Septiawanti (1209618004)
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What is

Your Title Here

A girl or boy who is an extremely
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overly enthusiastic fan mollis
of someone
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mollis tortor. Ut sodales felis

About Us
or something. id tellus porttitor sodales.

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adipiscing elit. Proin mollis neque sit amet
Source: merriam webster
volutpat dictum. Vivamus dignissim felis nec dictionary
ex feugiat, id fringilla lorem imperdiet. Fusce Your Title Here
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consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras
nunc mi, sollicitudin quis ipsum a,
mollis mollis tortor. Ut sodales felis
More.. id tellus porttitor sodales.

K-POP Prejudices

It is "garbage". Well, The main reason

for this claim is because of the
language and culture barrier.
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Your Title Here consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras
nunc mi, sollicitudin quis ipsum a, Another reason people
mollis mollis tortor. Ut sodales felis
id tellus porttitor sodales.
supposedly hate kpop is because
it is "completely different from
Western music“.

Your Title Here

Finally, many people complain about the fans,
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consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras

how they are so annoying, and how they

nunc mi, sollicitudin quis ipsum a,
mollis mollis tortor. Ut sodales felis
id tellus porttitor sodales.
criticize everything.

1) It Helps Your Brain Learn the Language

According to an article written by Your

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Telegraph, “Research from theconsecteturUniversity of Cras
adipiscing elit.
nunc mi, sollicitudin quis ipsum a,
Edinburgh found that adults who sang
mollis mollis tortor.words
Ut sodales felis

About Us
or short phrases from a foreign language
while learning were twice as good at
id tellus porttitor sodales.

Lorem it later”.
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adipiscing elit. Proin mollis neque sit amet
volutpat dictum. Vivamus dignissim felis nec
ex feugiat, id fringilla lorem imperdiet. Fusce Your Title Here
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consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras
nunc mi, sollicitudin quis ipsum a,
mollis mollis tortor. Ut sodales felis
More.. id tellus porttitor sodales.
2) Coverdancing Keeps You Healthy

According to an article by Berkeley Wellness, “Dancing may

Lorem ipsum dolor also be
sit amet, good for your mood. It has been shown to reduce
Your Title Herenunc mi, sollicitudin quiselit.
consectetur adipiscing Cras
ipsum a, anxiety, and stress and boost self-esteem, body
mollis mollis tortor. Ut sodales felis
id tellus porttitor sodales. coping ability, and overall sense of well-being, with
the benefits lasting over time.”

3) Cultural Awareness Makes You a Well-Rounded Person

When you get into K-pop, you become curious about the country it
originates from, its culture, its food, etc.
An article posted by The Guardian also suggested that “Global
awareness and international collaboration during the formative years
results in more rounded individuals, encouraging our pupils to see
things from different perspectives and helping them to make informed
decisions, acquiring transferable skills that will be useful to them and
will remain with them for life.”

4) It Can Reduce Your Pain

Music in general has the power to keep pain at bay, but, the benefits
increase as you listen to music that you actually, really like! This is
supposedly linked to the release of dopamine that happens when one
listens to something that they consider soothing, or thoroughly enjoy!
We’ve heard many stories about K-pop fans who find listening to their
favorite K-pop songs from their favorite group had a hand in helping them
get through difficult and painful times, and science proves it

A Huffington Post article about music’s positive effects on our body

supported this, saying, “It’s not clear why music may reduce pain,
though music’s impact on dopamine release may play a role. Of course,
stress and pain are also closely linked; so music’s impact on stress
#4 reduction may also partly explain the effects.”
5) It’s Just Plain Fun and It Can Inspires You!

Let’s face it, K-pop is fun! Whether it’s the flashy MVs, the joy in finding
and befriending other K-pop fans across the world, or the excitement you
feel from seeing your bias’ onstage, K-pop has the ability to make an
ordinary day extraordinary.

It’s also has many inspirational lyrics, whether about love, daily lifes,
friendship and etc.
“I've had to accept that
everyone cannot love me.
Because when there's love,
there's hate. When there's light,
there's dark. But it was really
hard to accept as an artist that
there's a lot of people that hate
me, but on the other side, there
are many more people who love
me. I think everyone goes
through that.” ▬RM OF BTS

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