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Our coming together today means so much.
For we are about to strengthen one of our
community’s aid in economic building--- the
business sector. I know that for the past
years, during Mayor Shem’s first term, I was
not able to invest so much effort to make our
chamber serve its purpose. But, its not too
late to start serving our people to the best
way we can.
 As what Robert T. Kiyosaki
said, Give people a
purpose, A true purpose,
and their potential will be
maximized and your
business will thrive.”
 The Hinatuan Business Club (HBC) is a private
non-stock, non-profit business organization
formed as a medium for Productive Ideas.
 The main drive of the HBC is to look after and
promote the role of the business sector in
municipal development efforts, both in the
planning and the implementation of policies set
by the LGU. It is committed to address economic
and social issues that affect the development of
the municipality and the entire Philippines
through years.
 The HBC carries out its objectives
through four main lines of activity:
policy advocacy (It includes capacity
building, relationship building, forming
networks, and leadership
development), information services and
publishing, investment promotion, and
corporate citizenship.

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