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Monkey business
- Mischievous or deceitful behaviour.

Our teacher warned us not to try

any monkey business while she was
out of the room.
Rat race
- An exhausting and repetitive routine.

Martin left the rat race for a few

months. He quit his job and went
Cat burglar
- A thief who climbs into buildings.

Alex had his laptop taken from his

room on the fourth floor. Police
suspect it was a cat burglar. 
Top dog
- The most important person in a group.

Michael felt like the top dog when he

became captain of the football team.
Cash cow
- A dependable source of income.

The company relied heavily on their

best-selling product. It was their cash
Eager beaver
- An enthusiastic hard worker.

When she first started working she

was a real eager beaver.
Road hog
- A dangerous driver.

Philipp is a serious road hog. He was

banned from driving for six months.
Black sheep
- An undesirable member of a group.

When Peter went to jail he became

the black sheep of the family.
Sources / Credit
• This information is used for educational purposes only and was taken
• Pictures :
• Sentences : Various websites
• Background wallpaper :

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