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• _cuticle nail pusher______________ 1.

What do we call the tool that

is used to push back or loosen the cuticles?
• ___nail file/ emery board_________ 2. What implement is used to
shape the free edges of the nail with the coarse side and bevel the
nail with the finer side?
• ______nail cutter______________ 3. What hand tool is made of
metal and is used to trim fingernails and toenails?
• _______nail polisher/ nail buffer_ 4. How do we call the implement
used for smoothening and . polishing the nails?
• ___ nail file/ emery board _____ 5. How is a wooden, sand paper-like
stick with a fine texture on one side and a coarse texture on the other
side used to gently grind down the edges of the nails called?
• _orange wood stick___ 6. How do we call the implement with pointed
and rounded ends to remove excess polish?
• __foot spa basin________ 7. What electronic gadget is used for
soaking, bathing and massaging the feet during a foot spa?
• ____sterilizer_________ 8. What do we call the equipment in a salon
that is used for sterilizing metal implements to kill micro-organisms?
• _____chair__ 9. How do we call the simple seat with three or four
legs designed to provide comfort and elevation during a foot spa?
• ____hand spa machine______10. What electronic gadget is used to
soothe pain of arthritis, muscle spasms and dry cracked skin of the

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