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Chapter 3.

Algoritma dan Struktur Data

Make a Simple Form using

(ComboBox, CheckBox, Radio Button)

Dosen Pengampu : Eka Prasetyaningrum, S.Kom., M.M

TA/ Semester: 2019/2020 – 4A

• Is a combination of text box and list box, where data

entry can be done by typing or selecting.
• ComboBox contains a number of items and the user
can only select one item.
Component to be used

Combo Box Text Field

Right-click on the Combo Box item -> select Properties -> Click
Model -> Fill in the Item
Fill in the Combo Box
- OK
Name : cmbAgama

Name : txtAgama

Name : btnProses

Is one component of the form that is

enabled so that users can choose
the available menu by clicking on
one of the menus
Radio Button

Radio Button or selection button is a type of

graphic element that allows users to choose
only one of a standard set of choices.
• Make 1 free form consisting of :
 3 Text Field
1 ComboBox
 3 CheckBox
 2 Radio Button
 2 Button (Process and exit)
 Customized label

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