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Making Predictions

What is the
story all about?
Does the video
have an ending?
After watching
the whole video
clip, what did
you feel?
Do you agree
with how the
daughter treated
her father? Why?
If you were to give an
ending to the video,
how would you do it?
Present it through a
3-minute role-play.
Read the
Determine what
event is likely to
occur next.
1. Pedro was walking home on a
cool day when the wind caught his
hat and carried it out onto the lake.
There was a thin layer of ice that
covered the water. The hat sat on
top of the ice layer, looking like day
that Pedro had bought it. Johnny
tested the ice with his toe. It
seemed secure, but he could see
the water at the edges of the ice.
He carefully tiptoed across the
sheet of ice to his hat and
picked it up. As he did so, the
ice cracked. A large sheet
began drifting away. Pedro was
surrounded by cracks. He took
another careful step, putting
his weight directly on one of
the cracks and then…
2. “Remember to study for the test
tomorrow!” Ms. Kathleen said before
dismissing her class. Shaina wrote the
assignment in her notebook but when
she got home, she just wanted a break
from school, so she watched TV. A
couple of hours later, Shaina knew that
it was time to get to work, but first she
would check her email. After another
hour on the internet, Shaina noticed
that it was getting late.
She opened up the textbook and began
looking for the chapter. Then her friend
Nica called. Kathryn and Daniel had
broken up! Shaina could not believe it.
She and Nica talked about it for another
hour. Now it was late and Shaina was
tired. She hung up with Nica and turned
to the chapter on Active and Passive
Voices in her English book. She began
reading it. Her head felt a little woozy,
wobbly and then…
Answer Task 2: Take A Stand.
Based on the presentation of
your classmates about their own
ending of the video clip that we
watched. On a ½ sheet of paper,
analyse their statements on the
issue and be able to agree or
Groups Agree/Disagree Statement Made




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