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Spiritual Care

Blok 22
7 February 2020
Iman Permana
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Asyhadu anlaa ilaaha illalloh

wa asyhadu anna
Muhammadan rasuululloh
Do’a belajar
Rodliitu billaahi robbaa
wa bil-islaami diinaa
wa bi Muhammadin nabiyyaw
wa rosuulaa

Robbi zidnii ‘ilmaa

warzuqnii fahmaa

Human Being Spiritual


Contoh Kasus
 ‘experiences and feelings associated with the quest
for meaning and purpose in life’ (Henningsgaard &
Arnau, 2008) or
 ‘a subjective experience of the sacred’ (Vaughan,
1991, p. 105)
 Spirituality provides the higher level intelligence and wisdom which
integrates the emotional with the moral.
 It acts as a guide in integrating different aspects of personality and
ways of being and living.
 It is found in the integration of several deep connections: the
connection with one’s true and higher self; the connection with society
and especially with the poor, the deprived and underprivileged; the
connection with the world of nature and other life forms; and for some,
a connectedness with the transcendent (NHS, 2009)
 It is about knowing, and experiencing deeper
meaning and connection behind apparently random
events and processes such as illness and an
awareness of human vulnerability
Spirituality in Islam
 The journey to the meaning of life will bring a Muslim to the
ultimate goal of finally reaching out or to be fully submitted to
Allah, or God; a final goal of a belief (Abdul Qadir Jawas, 2007),
 In the Qur’an surah Adz Dzariaat, 51 ayat 56, ‘I created jinn and
human being only to worship Me’. The word Islam means ‘to
submit oneself under the power of Allah’, which then, is declared
into the tenet of shahadah or the declaration of faith (Ji and
Ibrahim, 2007).
Kapan Munculnya???
Religiosity/Spirituality and Well-
 Religious people are inclined to value different things compared to
non-religious people (Miller & Worthington, 2012).
 Highly religious people tend to see various challenges,
interpersonal problems, or conflict in life through a religious
perceptual lens and deal with them in the same manner
(Worthington, 1988).
 Relationship with God
 Religiosity or spirituality as coping mechanism (Permana, 2018)
Spirituality Care (WHO, 1998)
“Until recently the health professions have largely followed a
medical model, which seeks to treat patients by focusing on
medicines and surgery, and gives less importance to beliefs and
to faith. This reductionism or mechanistic view of patients as
being only a material body is no longer satisfactory. Patients and
physicians have begun to realize the value of elements such as
faith, hope and compassion in the healing process. The value of
such ‘spiritual’ elements in health and quality of life has led to
research in this field in an attempt to move towards a more
holistic view of health that includes a non-material dimension,
emphasizing the seamless connections between mind and body.”
Spiritual Care
An expression of empathy, the sharing of hopes and
fears, family stories, gestures or humor or sadness, an
accepting recognition of culture or faith or belief, all
these things are indicative of the human spirit and
therefore of spiritual care.
“The need to give and receive love; the need to be
understood; the need to be valued as a human being;
the need for forgiveness, hope and trust; the need to
explore beliefs and values; the need to express feelings
honestly; the need to express faith or belief; the need to
find meaning and purpose in life.” (Narayanasamy, 1991)
Not a spiritual example
 I asked the psychiatrist I was working with, “What’s wrong with me?”
He said, “You have a disease called chronic schizophrenia. It is a disease
that is like diabetes. If you take medications for the rest of your life and
avoid stress, then maybe you can cope.” And as he spoke these words I
could feel the weight of them crushing my already fragile hopes and
dreams and aspirations for my life. Today I understand why this
experience was so damaging to me. In essence the psychiatrist was
telling me that my life, by virtue of being labelled with schizophrenia,
was already a closed book. He did not see me. He saw an illness. We
must urge our students to seek wisdom, to move beyond mere
recognition of illness and to whole-heartedly encounter the human
being who comes for help.
 (Deegan, 1996)
Spiritual Care Dalam Islam??
 Keterkaitan dengan Religious care
 Ada unsur ibadah
 Contoh??
Siapa yang Memberikan??
 Dokter
 Perawat
 Bina rohani

 Siapapun ……
 Spirituality adalah kebutuhan dasar manusia
 Spirituality dalam Islam sebagai bentuk penghambaan diri kepada
 Spiritual care adalah bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari
 Spiritual care dalam islam bersamaan dengan religious care
 Tanggung jawab dan peran semua pihak
Daftar Pustaka
 Abdul Qadir Jawaz, Y. (2007). Pengertian Ibadah Dalam Islam (the definition of 'Ibadat or worship in Islam). Kitab: Dasar
Islam (The book of the basics of Islam). Retrieved 8 September, 2014
 Deegan P (1996) Recovery as a journey of the heart. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 19 (3) pp 91-97
 Henningsgaard, J. M., & Arnau, R. C. (2008). Relationships between religiosity, spirituality, and personality: A multivariate
analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(8), 703-708. doi:
 Ji, CHC & Ibrahim, Y. (2007). Islamic Doctrinal Orthodoxy and Religious Orientations: Scale Development and Validation.
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 17(3), 21
 Permana, I. (2018). How Religosity and/or Spirituality Might Influence Self-Care in Diabetes Management : A Structured
Review. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 17(2), 185-193.
 Miller, A. J., & Worthington, E. L. (2012). Connection Between Personalilty and Religion and Spirituality. In J. D. Aten, K. A.
O'Grady & E. L. Worthington (Eds.), The Psychology of Religion and Spirituality for Clinicians. London: Routledge.
 Naryanasamy A (1991) Spiritual Care – A resource guide. Quay Publishing. Lancaster
 Worthington, E. L. (1988). Understanding the values of religious clients A model and its application to counseling. Journal
of Counseling Psychology, 35(2), 13.
 World Health Organisation (1998) WHOQOL and spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs: report on WHO
consultation. WHO. Geneva

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