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 LENI MARNI (1701041019)
 RAFFI YULIANTO (1701041027)
 VERI SATRIA (1701041046)

Definition of conclusion
The conclusion is the concluding chapter that contains a brief
description or details which is a discussion of the previous chapters
The conclusion is the answer to the problem that has been formulated
in the introduction (this is the most important). If there are three points
to your problem then three or four points are also your conclusions
The conclusion presents a brief and convincing description of the
contents of the papers that have been described in the previous
Conclusions do not present quotes and dermis,
Conclusions do not present matters not previously described.
Thesis / paper conclusions are accompanied by suggestions clearly
addressed to someone, a group of people, or a group of people in a
particular institution.
The expressions that we can use to
draw conclusions (concluding) include:
In the conclusion, we can This study/research has
know that … shown that ....
I would like to conclude the The results of this investigation
remarks by resuming that we show that ....
are fully  aware  of the fact that The most obvious finding to
My conclusion is emerge from this study is that
Based on the findings of the The results of this study
research.... indicate that ....
Returning to the The findings from this study
hypothesis/question posed at make several contributions to
the beginning of this study, it is the current literature. First,…
now possible to state that .... Etc
This study has shown that ....
The conclusion can be presented in two forms :
 Paragraph description

Based on the research conducted in X grade at MA Darul Ma’arif Cipete in

academic year 2010/2011, it can be concluded that the students could improve
their writing ability of recount text through picture sequences.To improve
students’ writing ability of recount text, the students analyze the schematic
structures concerning orientation, events, and re-orientation of any kinds of
stories based on the picture given then they have to retell the story using their
own words into a good order of recount text.

    These improvements could be seen from the students’ achievement where
there were 75% who passed the KKM 69 with the improvement of students’
mean score from pretest to the posttest of the second cycle was 12,5%. In the
pretest, there were only 5 students who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in the
posttest of cycle one, there were 14 students who passed the KKM or 35%. Next
in the result of posttest in the cycle 2, it was gained 32 or 80% students who
passed the KKM in which their mean score of writing test derived 72.62.
From the observation during the teaching-learning process of writing
recount text, it showed that the students were motivated in the teaching-
learning process, they felt interested in understanding the story based the
picture, and they could write recount text well.

    Finally, the teacher’s response about the implementation of Picture

Sequences was positive and it would be alternative way in teaching writing.
Therefore, Picture Sequences could improve the students’ writing ability of
recount text.
 Numbered details

Based on the research conducted in X grade at MA Darul Ma’arif Cipete in

academic year 2010/2011, it can be concluded as follows
1. The students could improve their writing ability of recount text through picture
sequences. To improve students’ writing ability of recount text, the students
analyze the schematic structures concerning orientation, events, and re-
orientation of any kinds of stories based on the picture given then they have to
retell the story using their own words into a good order of recount text,

2. There were 75% who passed the KKM 69 with the improvement of students’
mean score from pretest to the posttest of the second cycle was 12,5%. In the
pretest, there were only 5 students who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in the
posttest of cycle one, there were 14 students who passed the KKM or 35%. Next
in the result of posttest in the cycle 2, it was gained 32 or 80% students who
passed the KKM in which their mean score of writing test derived 72.62,
3. The students were motivated in the teaching-learning process,
they felt interested in understanding the story based the picture, and
they could write recount text well,

4. The teacher’s response about the implementation of Picture

Sequences was positive and it would be alternative way in teaching
writing. Therefore, Picture Sequences could improve the students’
writing ability of recount text.
Examples of other conclusions in the presentation
 In conclusion (Kesimpulannya)
Frase ini adalah frase yang paling umum digunakan untuk menyimpulkan dan
menutup suatu presentasi.
“In conclusion, it can be stated that to overcome each problem of doing thesis is
we should stay calm and doing the best for us” (Kesimpulannya, dapat dikatakan
bahwa untuk menangani setiap masalah saat menyusun skripsi adalah kita
harus tetap tenang dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk diri kita.”

 All in all (Kesimpulannya)
“All in all, it is true that in making cookies, the most important thing is the
measurement of the ingredients and the procedure” (Kesimpulannya, bahwa
sesuatu yang benar dalam membuat kue adalah, hal yang paling penting
adalah takaran bahannya dan cara membuatnya.)
Let me end by saying … (Izinkan saya mengakhiri presentasi dengan
mengatakan …)
Hal ini tidak begitu umum diucapkan, karena kurang kuat dalam meyakinkan
para pendengar.
“Let me end by saying that as a new mom, mommy should not too trust to
everything people and myth says. Because only mommy who understand their
body and what their baby needs” (Izinkan saya mengakhiri presentasi dengan
mengatakan sebagai ibu baru, ibu tidak seharusnya terlalu percaya pada setiap
perkataan orang dan mitos. Karena hanya ibu sendiri yang mengerti tubuh
mereka dan apa yang dibutuhkan bayinya”

In the end (Akhirnya)
Frase ini digunakan untuk sekaligus menutup presentasi.
“In the end, I can say that to prepare your wedding, you should first consider
your budget, the guess that will be invited and also the possible theme that will
you take for the wedding party. Thank you” (Akhirnya, saya bisa mengatakan
bahwa untuk mempersiapkan pernikahan anda, anda harus lebih
mengutamakan dan memikirkan anggaran anda, tamu yang akan diundang dan
juga tema yang akan mungkin diambil untuk pesta pernikahan. Terima kasih)

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