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• Refers to the social attributes associated for
being female and male, the relations between
women and men.


• Feminity



Intellectual Maturity.

Level of Orientation.
• Sexual Maturity

• Physical Maturity
Socio-Cultural Ethnicity.
• Cultivation Society or Social Groups.

Development aims at the fulfillment of
three basic human needs:

Ability to provide for basic

the ability to become persons with
identity, dignity and self-esteem;
the exercise of freedom and
What is Sex?

Sex as defined by Susan Bascow, is a biological term referring

to people animals, etc. being either male or female defending
on their sex organs or genes. Sex also refers to the differences
between individuals that make them male o female.
These differences determined……….
• Have no developed uterus and Have developed uterus and can
cannot became pregnant or give became pregnant and give birth
birth to children to children
• Have penis Have vagina
• Have under developed breast Have developed breast
• Grow a beard Do not grow beard
What is the "Gender-Equal
• A "gender-equal society" is a society in which both men and
women shall be given equal opportunities to participate
voluntarily in activities at all levels as equal partners and
shall be able to enjoy political, economic, social and cultural
benefits as well as to take responsibilities equally.
• This Report aims to achieve a society where men and women
can jointly participate in activities according to their
individual characteristics, without being restricted by
"gender", a social and cultural constraint.
• Gender discrimination, also known as sexual
discrimination, is any action that specifically denies
opportunities, privileges, or rewards to a person (or a
group) because of gender. The practice of letting a
person's gender become a factor when deciding who
receives a job or a promotion, is gender
•  It
stated that it was unlawful for an employer to
"fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual,
or otherwise discriminate against any individual
with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions,
or privileges or employment, because of such
individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national
origin." The law covers hiring, dismissals,
compensation, and all other aspects of employment,
while also covering actual employment
opportunities that are available. 
Examples of gender discrimination or sexual
harassment that would fall under the scope of the
act include:
An employee who alleges that his or her manager only promotes male
employees and keeps females in entry-level positions.
An employee who alleges that a manager or other person in power tells
jokes or makes statements that are demeaning, insulting, or offensive to
A manager who makes it clear, either through his actions or words, that he
wants to have sexual relations with a female employee.
A manager who asks inappropriate and unnecessary questions about a
female employee's sex life.
A manager who touches his female employees in inappropriate ways
without consent.
Gender identity discrimination
• Gender discrimination is discrimination on the basis of actual or
perceived gender identity. Gender identity is "the gender-related
identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related
characteristics of an individual, with or without regard to the
individual's designated sex at birth".]Gender discrimination is
theoretically different from sexism. Whereas sexism is prejudice based
on biological sex, gender discrimination specifically addresses
discrimination towards gender identities, including third gender, 
genderqueer, and other non-binary identified people.It is especially
attributed to how people are treated in the workplace, and banning
discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression has
emerged as a subject of contention in the American legal system.
• According to a recent report by the Congressional Research
Service, "although the majority of federal courts to
consider the issue have concluded that discrimination on
the basis of gender identity is not sex discrimination, there
have been several courts that have reached the opposite
conclusion".Hurst states that "[c]ourts often confuse sex,
gender and sexual orientation, and confuse them in a way
that results in denying the rights not only of gays and
lesbians, but also of those who do not present themselves
or act in a manner traditionally expected of their sex".
Transgender discrimination
• Transgender discrimination is discrimination towards peoples
whose gender identity differs from the social expectations of
the biological sex they were born with. Forms of
discrimination include but are not limited to identity
documents not reflecting one's gender, sex-segregated public
restrooms and other facilities, dress codes according to binary
gender codes, and lack of access to and existence of
appropriate health care services. In a recent adjudication, the 
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
concluded that discrimination against a transgender person is
sex discrimination.[

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