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a very good morning to our lecturer tuan haji norlizan and fellow friend.

today we of group 1 will present about nouns pronouns and interjections.

the first one is nouns
under nouns i will present about the types of nouns and also about the singular
and plural nouns
the first two nouns are proper n common nouns.
-baca- whereas -baca-
these are the examples of nouns
can someone tells me which one is proper n which one is common nouns. on ur
left side or the right side.
does everyone agree with -....-?
i dun think i shud ask this.. but y?
nex, we move to the c n a nouns,
it means that the particular noun can be touched smelled heard felt and tasted
these are some examples.
as for abstract nouns they are -baca-
and as usual there are always examples.
as for this one lets take inteligence for an easy example. can we see it? can we
feel it? can we smell it? can we taaste it or can we even hear it? surely its a no
answer for all of it.
therefore as long as it is abstract nouns. it is always a no~~
after that, we move to -baca-
meanwhile, -baca-
as u've seen... slice piece ounce snippet book and many more are some examples
of uncountable nouns.
we use them to refer things that are not fix or irregular or in simple cant be
uniformly determined as they vary from one another.
finally.its the collectiove nouns. baca

until here any questions? if no then ok...lets move to the nex slide which is the las
one in this first part of my presentation.
lets look at this table.
these one on ur left side are considered as a unit (sing) while those on ur right side
are considered as number of individuals(plural)
baca and baca... can anyone tell me why it happens this way. afikah perhaps u
can try? anyone?
ok that i right/ok ill explain y
-baca- implies that all the birds are heading toward a direction in a group
together ..on the other hands
-baca- refers to each of the birds in the flock which are trying to get food for itself.
it is refered as an individual because they r not togeter or in other words having diff
the second part is singular and plural nouns. im just going to tell about the basic
rules in this part.
ok the first rule is ...
the third is
n finally
men woman

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