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Education can make it easier for us to achieve

our goals and reach dreams. Besides that with
education we can add wider insights and can
build our own character and confidence. Can
also comepete in national and international

I agree if education can make it easier for us to

achieve our goals, bacause education is one of
the main supports in achieving

1. Competing in national and international levels

2. Not wrong in choosing majors
3. Not easlly discouraged and sure to our selves

I do not agree if education can make it easier for

us to achieve our goals, because the road to
success is not onlymeasured by how high our
level of education is, at the present time many
people become unemployed even thoungh they
have been studying tertiary education

1. The owner of a Chili garden was successful evan

thuogh he was an clementary school gruduate
2. Although highly educated if there is no will and
dadicated will not be able to realize the dream
3. Because success is created from ourselves and the
will of the heart

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