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The word hip I believed to have been first used in the
African – American Vernacular English of the African-
American culture since 1904. this term means
“informed” or “current”

“hip-hop, hip-hop”


Robert Keith Wiggins

 Artists
performed the dance with disco goers with the
new kind of DJ music and called the dancers “hip-
hoppers” .
 Hip-hop dance then became popular not only in New
York but also In other countries. Hip-hop culture has
been connected with the graffiti craze or the writings
and arresting illustrations painted on walls. These art
forms usually express social and political issues.
Subgenre/ Dance Styles

1. Popping – This was created in Fresno, California

by Sam Solomon. This style means to act as a
living robot which consists of quick contracting
and relaxing muscles, which are called pops or
2. Isolation – This refers to
moving your body parts
individually . Isolate your arm ,
head, and chest to create a
robotic type of move.

3. Locking – crafted by Don

Campbell in Los Angeles,
California. Consist of series of
movements that involves quick
action. It is similar to locking
one part of your body into
another position, and then
freezing it in the last position.
3. Breaking – known as break dancing. It
has movements to be performed at
different levels such as toprock, when
you are standing while performing and
downrock when dancers close to the
floor, power moves when you are dong
acrobatics and freezing while posing.

4. Whacking or waaking –
performer uses his/her upper
body and arms. A waak is the
strong swinging or weeping of
the arms in dramatic rapid
succession, creating
movements like a “human
Tips in Hip-hop dancing

1. Choose an upbeat music.

2. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes.
3. Move the hips
4. Master of the moves
5. Watch dance videos form the television.
6. Take some dance lessons.

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