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Technology is the study of skills

in creating tools, processing
methods, and extraction of objects,
to help solve various problems and
human’s work in everyday.
Technology has influenced people
and their surroundings in many
ways. In many community groups,
technology has helped improve the
Types of Technology
There are many types of technology in modern times, here are some
types of technology :
Information Technology (IT)
Communication Technology
Transportation Technology
Educational Technology
Medical Technology
Construction Technology
Transportation Technology
Transportation technology is a technology
that is able to support the transfer of people
or items from one place to another by using a
vehicle that is driven by humans or machines.
The development of transportation before
the era of industrialization began with the
discovery of the wheel in about 3500 BC
which was used to facilitate the movement of
goods. this technology continues to develop
to produce vehicles that have sophistication
and comfort for the rider.
There are three types of transportation :
- Land transportation
- Water transportation
- Air transportation
The Impact of Transportation
Positive Impact :
- For the people in the countryside, transportation is very much needed in channeling
agricultural, plantation and livestock products to the cities
- Shorten travel time
- Carbon monoxide gas from motor vehicles when reacting with oxygen in the air will
produce carbon dioxide gas that can be utilized in the process of photosynthesis in
Negative Impact :
- Petroleum is increasingly scarce
- Air pollution and sound pollution
- Decreased agricultural area due to increased construction of transportation facilities

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