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ENGR 400 Corporate Dynamics for


(13th July 2017)

Dr. Eşref Ünsal

(Lecture 8)
• Form the debate groups, select the
topics, the spokespeople and the dates of
• Creativity is thinking broadly for
– New products
– New processes
• managing inspectors while they are waiting
• answering a difficult question on an incident- PR, etc.)

– think widely/openly
– try to come up with suggestions
– think about irregular possibilities
– do not hesitate to voice them
– respect/tolerate seemingly ridiculous ideas of others
• Brick and Blanket, number uf uses for
them, creativity exercise (Malcolm
– Management loves people
• who can think quickly on their feet,
especially under challenging conditions
• who can dream up solutions to hard
• Large companies have to be innovative
to adapt to new market conditions,
technologies, etc. Watch Amazon
adapting and changing lanes.

• How do you initiate innovation in a

• Prof Johannes Haushofer of Princeton,
Psychology and Public Relations,
(Ann Swanson of Washington Post,
– Everybody gets rejected or they fail, they do
not report them
– The article of Prof. Haushofer on this matter
was read more than any others he wrote
Corporate Errors
–Shell Oil and Gas Reserves, error on estimation in
2004, severe consequences
–Estimation of underground reserves of minerals, oil
and gas is very difficult
–GSK severe penalty case
–BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill incident in 2010
• Korean Airlines staff had the cultural
handicap of not being able to put forward
risks/mistakes to a superior officer in
earlier years (Malcolm Gladwell).
• Simulating conditions of the outer space
– Low temp (-273 deg c)
– Vacuum
– Heavy radiation

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