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Gerunds and Infinitives

Present Perfect Tense
Instead of using a simple infinitive
e.g. Ali seems to be ill.
I’m hoping to read the guide book before we get to
The boy pretended to be writing.
We can use the Present Perfect to be clear that we’re
talking about an earlier time or completed action.
e.g. Ali seems to have been ill.
I’m hoping to have read the guide book before we get to
The boy pretended to have been writing.
Instead of the simple gerund.
e.g. Kirsten regretted telling us about the money.
We thanked them for supporting us.
We can use the Perfect Gerund when we want to be clear
that the action was in the past.
e.g. She regretted having told us about the money.
We thanked them for having supported us.

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