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Prepared by Sr Dr Suriani Ngah
Abdul Wahab

Condensation occurs when air with a high water vapour content comes into
contact with cool surfaces (below dew point temperature). The water
condenses from the air, resulting in the formation of water droplets on the
cold surfaces. Excessive condensation can lead to the rotting of window sills,
dampness on walls, and mould growth. The presence of black spot mould on
walls is an indication of excessive condensation.
Reducing the moisture loading in the air and/or improving the ventilation is
the most effective method of dealing with condensation. Dehumidifiers are
costly to run, require emptying and should only be considered as a temporary
measure. Dehumidifiers and anti condensation paints just treat the effects and
do not remove the cause. Whole home ventilation systems are a cost effective
method of dealing with the cause of condensation and removing the effects.

The ingress of water into a building as a result of a building defect such as:
 Blocked or broken guttering
 Blocked or broken downpipes
 Defective external rendering or pointing
 Defective weatherproof seals on doors and windows
 No weatherboard on doors
 Bridged wall cavity
 Roofing defects such as loose or missing tiles/slates, damaged or missing
flashings, or damaged coping.
 Overflow pipe continuous running
 Lack of drip beading on rendered walls or blocked drip grooves on cills
 Porous or cracked bricks

The escape of water from pipes, tanks or drains  that leads to localised or
widespread dampness in a property:
 Water main
 Hot and cold water supply pipes
 Central heating pipework
 Cracked or blocked drains
 Leaks from water tanks, radiator valves, water softeners or washing
machine supply pipework
 Water leaks account for a significant number of damp issues and are
regularly misdiagnosed as rising dampness.

The movement of moisture through materials by capillary

 Absence of physical Damp proof course (DPC) or damp
proof membrane (DPM)
 Breakdown or failure of physical Damp Proof Course
 Ineffective chemical damp proofing or replastering
 Bridging of damp proof course by increase external ground
levels, external render, internal solid floors, blocked cavity

The ingress of water through the failure of a water carrying appliance, the spillage of
water or other source of moisture.
 Plumbing faults such as leaking valves, leaking radiators, hot water tank, washing
machines or waste pipes.
 Bath or shower overflow or splashing
 Condensation on un-insulated cold water pipes.
 Lack of adequate roof space ventilation leading to condensation and causing mould
 Blocked up fireplaces causing condensation to form in the void.
 Combustion salt contamination of brickwork around chimneys and fireplaces
 Incorrect or poorly fitted retrofit internal or external insulation
 Inappropriate plaster/render/paint applied to pre 1919 properties which affects the
breath-ability of the structure

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