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Error Description

The Surface Structure

Target Modification
2.Addition (or) Overinclusion
3.Misformation (or) Misselection
1. Omission

e.g. He’ll pass his exam and I …. Too.

Correct: He’ll pass his exam and I’ll pass my exam too.
2. Addition

e.g. He doesn’t knows me.

Correct sentence: He doesn’t know me.

3. Misselection

e.g. I don’t like those apple.

Correct answer: I don’t like this apple.

4. Misordering

e.g. He every time comes late home.

Correct answer: He comes home late every time.

e.g. Tell me where did you go.

Correct answer: Tell me were you went.

5. Blends

a. The only thing I want

b. The one thing I want

c. The only one thing I want (correct)

d. The one only thing I want (incorrect)

i. This will facilitate learning of a second language

ii. This will facilitate the learning a second language


- This will facilitate the learning of a second language

- This will facilitate learning a second language

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