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Catheter Placment in Woman

Teacher : Hendra Putra

Name : Devi Anggraeni DR
NIM : 1815301299
Catheter Installation Steps :
1. Inform the patient and explain the purpose.
2. Prepare the patient in the dorsal recumbent position.
3. Closing curtains and doors.
4. Put extra blankets on.
5. Attach the top and bottom
under the patient bottom.
6. Put two twists between two
7. Washing hands.
8. Wear gloves.
9. Put a sterile duk.
10. Open the labia minora with the thumb
and forefinger of the left hand and right
hand holding the sublimate cotton.
11. Clean the vulva with sublimate cotton from
the labia mayora from top to bottom one
time wiping, dirty cotton is placed bent,
then labia minora and perenium until clean.
12. Take a set catheter with gloves using anatomical
tweezers an lubricate the ends.

13. Open the labia minora with your left hand.

14. Insert the catheter slowly into the urethal otificcium
and encourage the patient to take a deep breath.

15. The urine that comes out is collected in a bent or

sterile bottle and put in again.
16. If the catheter is fixed then the contents of the ballon
(the catheter is locked using a syringe and distilled
17. Pull the catheter slightly to check that the ballon is
fixed properly.
18. Connecting the catheter with urine bag.
19. Fixation of the catheter thigh with plaster if for
20. The patient is tidied with a pad and blanked.
21. Clean and tidy up the tools.
22. Take off the gloves.
23. Washing hand.
24. Open the curtains and door.
25. Ask the patients conition and comfort after the
26. Obsevation of urine output.
Thank you 

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