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 The first conditional (or 1st Conditional) is for future actions
dependent on the result of another future action or event, where
there is a reasonable possibility of the conditions for the action
being satisfied.

 eg: If he gets here soon, I'll speak to him about it. (The speaker
believes that there is a reasonable or good chance of seeing

 This is the first conditional sentence structure:

 If + present simple, will + verb

 Yes, you use the present simple tense even though you are talking about a
future event. That’s OK! You can use the the present simple after a
conjunction to talk about a future event.

 Now that you understand how to form the first conditional, let’s focus on
when to use it.

 If I exercise, will lose weightnot study, do not pass the exam

 If I have time, visit my grandmother
 If you feel sick, you go to the doctor
 If they do not come here, we'll have to go home
 If it's cold, I'll take a jacket
 If I exercise, will lose weight
 If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus

 We use conditional 1 to talk about a real possibility in the future; that is, of
an action that is likely to occur in the future as long as the condition is met.

 Ejemplo con explicación:

 Pensemos en que una amiga me pidió el favor de ayudarla a estudiar para
un examen que se realizará mañana; yo no sé si pueda ayudarla porque no
sé si tengo que trabajar mañana, entonces yo le digo:

 If I have time tomorrow, I will help you. (Si tengo tiempo mañana, te
Thank you

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