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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

• STIs are infections that are transmitted

during vaginal, anal or oral sex. Some STIs
are transmitted through semen, preseminal
fluid, vaginal fluids and blood. Others can
be transmitted with only one genital contact
(skin to skin).
• STIs are very common and usually have
no symptoms, so many people are
unaware that they have one.
• The only way to make sure you never get
an STI is to not have any kind of sexual
contact with another person. The best thing
to do to prevent STIs is to have safer sex.

Pedro Armijo
• Safer sex means using condoms, female
condoms and ducal barriers. Most of these
diseases are easily cured with medicines
and do not cause serious problems if they
are treated early. There are also treatments
for STIs that are not cured, to relieve
symptoms and reduce the chances of
contagion to other people.

Pedro Armijo
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Types of sexually transmitted diseases

• Chlamydia: it is a common bacterial • Gonorrhea: is a common bacterial

infection that is easily cured with infection that is easily cured with
antibiotics. It is one of the most antibiotics. It is transmitted sexually
common (STIs); Most people with and most people who have it have no
chlamydiasis have no symptoms. symptoms.

Pedro Armijo
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Types of sexually transmitted diseases

• Herpes: is a common virus that causes • Pubic lice, also called crabs: are small
sores on the genitals and mouth. It can parasites that adhere to the skin and hair
be annoying and painful but usually of the genital area. The crabs are not
does not cause serious health dangerous and, in general, it is easy to
problems. eliminate them.

Pedro Armijo
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Types of sexually transmitted diseases

• Syphilis: is a common bacterial • Trichomoniasis: is an STI that is cured

infection that is spread through sexual with antibiotics. It is very common, and
intercourse. Syphilis is easily cured most people have no symptoms.
with antibiotics, but can cause
permanent damage if left untreated.

Pedro Armijo
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Types of sexually transmitted diseases

• Genital warts: are common and are • Hepatitis B: is an infection that affects
caused by certain types of human the liver. It can be transmitted through
papillomavirus (HPV). They are sexual intercourse. You can protect
annoying, but can be treated and are yourself by applying the hepatitis B
not dangerous. vaccine and using a condom.

Pedro Armijo
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Types of sexually transmitted diseases

• HIV: is the virus that causes AIDS. This • Scabies: is a skin disease that causes
affects the immune system, making itching, caused by small parasites. It is
you sick more easily. HIV spreads transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, usually
during sex, but condoms help you during sex. Scabies is not dangerous and
protect yourself. can be cured.

Pedro Armijo
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Types of sexually transmitted diseases

• HPV: means "human papillomavirus." • Molluscum contagiosum: is an

It is the most common sexually infection that produces small bumps on
transmitted infection that exists. HPV is the skin. You get it by being in contact
usually harmless and disappears with infected skin, even during sex. It
spontaneously, but some types can disappears spontaneously and is not
cause genital warts or cancer. dangerous.

Pedro Armijo
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