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 Content of Research Proposal

 Based on Industry study / Industry Defined


 Based on Research
Based on Industry
 1. Introduction
 2. Short Literature Review
 3. Product / Service Profile
 3. Demand determination of the Industry
 4. Players in the Industry
 5. Distribution channel in the Industry
 6. Key Issues and Current Trends
 7. PESTEL Analysis (depends on nature of study,
as per the guide’s suggestions)
 Bibliography/Appendices, if any.
Based on Research
 Introduction of the Study
 1. Introduction
 2. Short Literature Review
 3. Problem Statement /Rationale / of the Study
 4. Objectives of the Study
 5. Hypothesis
Research Methodology
 1. Research Design
 2. Source/s of Data
 3. Data Collection Method
 4. Sampling Method
 5. Date Collection Instrument
 6. Tentative Chapter Plan
 Bibliography/Appendices,

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