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Puked while doing pot Screamed “সেররাহ মাম্মাহ” Loved the name Called non-resident
“জানবিবি” friends “মুরগী”
Beat up মুরগীs to Posted contents with Called my own dept Got all political in
express superiority “প্রথম জন্মের দ্বিতীয় “রয়্যাল ডিপার্ট মেন্ট” “আমরাই জাহাঙ্গীরনগর”
আতু রঘর" caption
Beat the shit out of Self-proclaimed Pressurized CR to Made out in swimming
“বামাতি” friends প্রগতিশীল, yet gave ফাপড় finish the semester pool
quickly so that I don't
miss BCS
Raided Stat-Er-Chipa Called girls the M word Smoked in University Stooped low af to
after miserably failing bus impress junior girls
to impress them
Joined art culture just Been a পা-চাটা asshole Unironically claimed my Didn't give my fee in
to get laid hall to be the superior fresher's reception

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