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Introduction to machine

Artificial Intelligence
 Consiste en todas las bases, mecanismos, técnicas, operaciones y sub diciplinas que
buscan lograr que una maquina iguale la capacidad de pensamiento que un humano.
What is intelligence?
Discerning intelligence
People define intelligence in many different ways. However, you can say that intelligence involves
certain mental activities composed of the following activities:

 Learning: Having the ability to obtain and process new information.

 Reasoning: Being able to manipulate information in various ways.
 Understanding: Considering the result of information manipulation.
 Grasping truths: Determining the validity of the manipulated information.
 Seeing relationships: Divining how validated data interacts with other data.
 Considering meanings: Applying truths to particular situations in a manner consistent with their
 Separating fact from belief: Determining whether the data is adequately supported by provable
sources that can be demonstrated to be consistently valid.
Discovering four ways to define AI
Acting humanly: When a computer acts like a human, it best reflects the
Turing test, in which the computer succeeds when differentiation between
the computer and a human isn’t possible. This category also reflects what the
media would have you believe AI is all about. You see it employed for
technologies such as natural language processing, knowledge representation,
automated reasoning, and machine learning (all four of which must be present
to pass the test).
Discovering four ways to define AI
Thinking humanly: When a computer thinks as a human, it performs tasks that require
intelligence (as contrasted with rote procedures) from a human to succeed, such as
driving a car. To determine whether a program thinks like a human, you must have some
method of determining how humans think, which the cognitive modeling approach
defines. This model relies on three techniques:
 Introspection: Detecting and documenting the techniques used to achieve goals by
monitoring one’s own thought processes.
 Psychological testing: Observing a person’s behavior and adding it to a database of
similar behaviors from other persons given a similar set of circumstances, goals,
resources, and environmental conditions (among other things).
 Brain imaging: Monitoring brain activity directly through various mechanical means,
such as Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET),
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Magnetoencephalography (MEG).
 After creating a model, you can write a program that simulates the model. Given the
amount of variability among human thought processes and the difficulty of accurately
representing these thought processes as part of a program, the results are
experimental at best. This category of thinking humanly is often used in psychology
and other fields in which modeling the human thought process to create realistic
simulations is essential.
Discovering four ways to define AI
Thinking rationally: Studying how humans think using some standard enables
the creation of guidelines that describe typical human behaviors. A person is
considered rational when following these behaviors within certain levels of
deviation. A computer that thinks rationally relies on the recorded behaviors to
create a guide as to how to interact with an environment based on the data at
hand. The goal of this approach is to solve problems logically, when possible. In
many cases, this approach would enable the creation of a baseline technique for
solving a problem, which would then be modified to actually solve the problem. In
other words, the solving of a problem in principle is often different from solving it in
practice, but you still need a starting point.
Acting rationally: Studying how humans act in given situations under specific
constraints enables you to determine which techniques are both efficient and
effective. A computer that acts rationally relies on the recorded actions to interact
with an environment based on conditions, environmental factors, and existing data.
As with rational thought, rational acts depend on a solution in principle, which may
not prove useful in practice. However, rational acts do provide a baseline upon
which a computer can begin negotiating the successful completion of a goal.
Having plentiful data available isn’t enough to create a successful AI. Presently,
an AI algorithm can’t extract information directly from raw data. Most algorithms
rely on external collection and manipulation prior to analysis. When an algorithm
collects useful information, it may not represent the right information. The
following sections help you understand how to collect, manipulate, and automate
data collection from an overview perspective.
Considering the data sources
The data you use comes from a
number of sources. The most common
data source is from information
entered by humans at some point.
Even when a system collects shopping-
site data automatically, humans
initially enter the information. A human
clicks various items, adds them to a
shopping cart, specifies characteristics
(such as size) and quantity, and then
checks out. Later, after the sale, the
human gives the shopping experience,
product, and delivery method a rating
and makes comments. In short, every
shopping experience becomes a data
collection exercise as well.
Considering the data sources
Many data sources today rely on input
gathered from human sources. Humans
also provide manual input. You call or go
into an office somewhere to make an
appointment with a professional. A
receptionist then gathers information from
you that’s needed for the appointment.
This manually collected data eventually
ends up in a dataset somewhere for
analysis purposes.
Data is also collected from sensors, and
these sensors can take almost any form.
For example, many organizations base
physical data collection, such as the
number of people viewing an object in a
window, on cellphone detection. Facial
recognition software could potentially
detect repeat customers.
Manicuring the Data
Some people use the term manipulation when speaking about data, giving the
impression that the data is somehow changed in an unscrupulous or devious manner.
Perhaps a better term would be manicuring, which makes the data well shaped and
lovely. No matter what term you use, however, raw data seldom meets the
requirements for processing and analysis. To get something out of the data, you must
manicure it to meet specific needs.
Even when the data types and format are the same, other data misalignments can
occur. For example, the fields in one dataset may not match the fields in the other
dataset. In some cases, these differences are easy to correct.
 Calculate the missing data from other data that you can access.
 Locate the missing data in another dataset.
 Combine datasets to create a whole that provides consistent fields.
 Collect additional data from various sources to fill in the missing data.
 Redefine your question so that you no longer need the missing data.
Data Amount

 An algorithm is a procedure, which is a sequence of operations, usually

dealt with by a computer that guarantees to find the correct solution to
a problem in a finite time or tell you that no solution exists. Even though
people have solved algorithms manually for literally thousands of years,
doing so can consume huge amounts of time and require many numeric
computations, depending on the complexity of the problem you want to
solve. Algorithms are all about finding solutions, and the speedier and
easier, the better. Algorithms have become hard-coded in the
intelligence of humans who devised them, and any machine operating
on algorithms cannot but reflect the intelligence embedded into such
algorithmic procedures.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a field in computer science where existing data are
used to predict, or respond to, future data. It is closely related to the fields
of pattern recognition, computational statistics, and artificial intelligence.
Machine learning is important in areas like facial recognition, spam filtering,
and others where it is not feasible, or even possible, to write algorithms to
perform a task.
Machine Learning
In a more general sense, what does machine learning mean? Machine
learning can mean using machines (computers and software) to gain
meaning from data. It can also mean giving machines the ability to learn
from their environment.
Elements of Machine Learning
All learning methods are data driven. Sets of data are used to train the system.
These sets may be collected by humans and used for training. The sets may be
very large. Control systems may collect data from sensors as the systems
operate and use that to identify parameters—or train the system.
A system that maps an input to an output needs training to do this in a useful
way. Just as people need to be trained to perform tasks, machine learning
systems need to be trained. Training is accomplished by giving the system an
input and the corresponding output and modifying the structure (models or data)
in the learning machine so that mapping is learned.
Automatice Learning

Supervised Learning
Supervised learning means that specific training sets of data are applied to
the system. The learning is supervised in that the “training sets” are
human derived. It does not necessarily mean that humans are actively
validating the results. The process of classifying the system’s outputs for a
given set of inputs is called labeling.
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning does not utilize training sets. It is often used to
discover patterns in data for which there is no “right” answer.
Semisupervised Learning
With the semisupervised approach, some of the data is in the form
of labeled training sets and other data are not.
Classification and
Regression/Supervised learning
In classification, the goal is to predict a class label, which is a choice from a
predefined list of possibilities.
Regression is a way of fitting data to a model. A model can be a curve in
multiple dimensions. The regression process fits the data to the curve,
producing a model that can be used to predict future data. Some methods,
such as linear regression or least squares, are parametric in that the
number of parameters to be fit are known.
Regression Application Analysis
Neural Nets

A neural net is a network designed to emulate the neurons in a human brain.

Each “neuron” has a mathematical model for determining its output from its
input; for example, if the output is a step function with a value of 0 or 1, the
neuron can be said to be “firing” if the input stimulus results in a 1 output.
Networks are then formed with multiple layers of interconnected neurons.
Neural networks are a form of pattern recognition.

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