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Human Resource

Evolution Of HRM
Industrial Revolution Era

Industrialrevolution from 1820-1840 gave way for

most of the social changes. The wind of this social
changes entered into India by 20th century.
Machines and new technologies were invented.
Employees were treated like machines.
Productivity has increased, employees were paid less.
Government did very little for the welfare of
Era of Trade Unionism

 Workers stared forming unions/associations.

 Era when trade unions started getting powers.
 Government and state agencies started giving
protection to the interest of workers.
 Trade unions act was passed.
Social Responsibility Era
 Philosophyunderlying in Owens paternistic
approach was that worker is just like a child and
the owner is just like his father.
 Started proving facilities to support employees.
 Housing facility, training, education to children,
incentives & benefits , providing of loan etc.
 He gave more importance for the satisfaction of
employees and he believed satisfied employees
in-turn increases productivity.
Scientific Management Era

 Introduced by F W Taylor in USA during 20th century.

 He introduced scientific methods of work setting and
treating the employees.
 Recommended for the training and development of
workers, division of work for specialization, scalar chain of
command etc.
 He suggested for time, motion and fatigue study.
 Introduced incentive wage plan and differential piece rate
Human Relations Era
 Contributions by George Elton Mayo formed a strong
base in the era of human relations .
 Findings of Hawthorne Experiment conducted in Western
Electrical Company formed as a mile stone .
 It proved that attitude, mindset of workers and work
team is highly important .
 The physical working conditions influence employee
 Workers can be satisfied through job satisfaction and
personal care.

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