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Valentino Kristian E.M (21)

• earth tester is used to measure the earth resistance of the
cubicle frame,PHB,arrester,kWh meter,electric socket and

Earth tester
– This measuring instrument uses three electrode rods
that are grounded namely E electrode (Earth),
P electrode (Potential) and C electrode (Current)
How to measure grounding using an Earth
1. Calibrate the needle on the gauge in the zero position
2. Connect the red and yellow wires to the ground with a distance
of approximately 10 meters from ground or grounding
3. The next step is to connect the attached grounding green wire,
from the three cables connect to the earth tester
4. Use a scale at 1 ohm size, if the needle shows below 1 ohm
then the earthing is good (earthing standard) and vice versa if
the needle shows above 1 ohm then the earthing is not good

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