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How was the ball game of the Maya?

 The game was through contact with the ball and
attack using different body parts: hips, buttocks,
knees, forearm, it was a game that required skill and
fast specialized motions, it was really a game of
endurance. The rubber ball was weighing
approximately 10 pounds of solid rubber and this
symbolized the sun hence had to be in constant
motion for the sacredness of this star

How many people played and
which received the prize?

 Played among 5 players but no evidence of
opponents couples, ie two on two .. Usually they
were given a kind of stone ax or other artifact own
Which meant for the
Mayan ball game ?

 It was a game for sacred rituals mainly agricultural ,
ie when it was time to harvest , planting, prepare the
soil , but also had religious purposes , conventions,
visits from other kingdoms , marriages
When was built the ball field Copán ?

 The field was paved and had an unusual way I
closed on the north side by a large tier, above which
rose a trail . This court is privileged because it retains
its position and six markers in the shape of a head of
Did gambling involved some
physical sacrifice for those who
practiced it ?

 It speaks of human
sacrifices associated to
the ball game as
somewhat sporadic ,
because the Mayans were
animals sacrificed more
blood to make offerings
to the gods

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