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Functions of Kidney

1. Excretory Function :
Metabolic Waste Urea & Creatinine ( gold standard
for kidney function)

2. Regulatory Function

1. Endocrine Function
2. Metabolic Function
Functions of Kidney
1. Excretory Function :
- Metabolic Waste Urea & Creatinine ( gold standard
for kidney function)
- Drugs
- Many Toxins

2. Regulatory Function
- Water Balance
- Electrolyte Balance
- Acid Base Balance

3. Endocrine Function
- Erythropoetin (endothalial cells of paritubular capillary )
- Renin (Juxtaglomerular Apparatus)
- Prostaglandin (Juxtaglomerular Apparatus)

4. Metabolic Function
- Activation of Viitamin D
SUNLIGHT ____CCF (inactive form of VIT D (Skin) __Liver ___> 25 Hydroxy CCF ___Kidney
(PCT)_____> 25 Dihydroxy CCF (Active form of Vit. D. )
• C. O  Renal blood Flow  Renal Plasma Flow 
G. F. R.  T. F.  Urine output

C. o. = H. R. X S. V.
= 72 X 70 = 5 L / Minute

Renal Blood Flow - 20 % ( 1 L ) goes to Kidney = 400

ml Cells + Renal Plasma 600 ml plasma
GFR = 120 ml Flitrate /min
T. F. = 65 % reabsorb from PCT + 15 % Loop of Henle
+ 15 ml from DCT + 4 ml from Collecting Tubule by
Urine output = 1 ml /min

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