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Arthur would like to create a database to catalogue his entire CD collection. He stores his CDs in individually

numbered CD drawers. Each draw contains CDs of a specific genre. He wants to be able to search his database by

either the CD title or artist and have the database tell him which draw of his collection the CD is in. Being

the music aficionado that he is, Arthur would also like to store information on the artist, CD and genre to

which the CD belongs. Artist information includes: individual/group name and their country of origin. If the CD

is a classical CD, Arthur keeps the name of the composer, not performer. CD information includes: the title of

the CD, the record company that published the CD, the year of release and a track listing, including the

duration of each song. Genre information includes: the name of the genre and a description of the genre.

Construct a simple ER-Model problem description.

(only include the entity, attribute, cardinalities

primary key and the relationship)


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