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Comparison between Market Economy

and Centrally-Planned Economy

• Market economy , also called Capitalist economy

and Centrally planned economy occupy two polar
extremes in the organization of economic activity
Market Economy Centrally Planned
• The activity is unplanned, • The state or governement
people determine what to makes decisions.They own all:
produce, what to sell, where to land, capital and resources
produce,how much to produce. and tey determine when,
• If people don´t want to buy an where and how much is
item for a certain price they produced at any time.
can refuse to do so and if • Prices don´t arise naturally
enough people make the same through supply and demand
choice, then businesses will as the government
have to sell that item at a price
determines the supply and
which people are willing to pay.
sets the demand.
Market Economy Centrally Planned Economy

• Profits determine resource allocation • Political factors determine

• There is no regulation ensuring resource allocation.
equality and fairness and they are • Personal options are non
burdened with unemployment and existent but there is no
even those with jobs can never be
unemployment and needs never
certainthat they will make enough to
provide for all of their needs. go unfulfilled because the
• Doesn´ t need to wait for word from government knows how much
the governemnt before changing the food, medicine etc is needed.
output, citizens can have more • Government can force citizens to
freedom and opportunities to do the pay taxes and decide how many
jobs they want and to profit by them. roads or hospitals are built.

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