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Foreign Words and Phrases


1) Argumenti causa
a) Perfect silence
b) For the sake of argument
1) Argumenti causa
a) Perfect silence – Altum silentium
b) For the sake of argument
2) Auxilium ab alto
a) Help from above
b) At a great expense
2) Auxilium ab alto
a) Help from above
b) At a great expense – A’ grands frais (Fr.)
3) Carpe diem
a) Necessary or indispensible condition
b) Seize the day/ enjoy the present day
3) Carpe diem
a) Necessary or indispensible condition –
Conditio sine qua non
b) Seize the day/ enjoy the present day
4) Copia verborum
a) Plenty of words
b) Error before us
4) Copia verborum
a) Plenty of words
b) Error before us – Corum nobis (A legal order allowing a court to
correct its original judgment upon discovery of a fundamental
error that did not appear in the records of the original
judgment's proceedings and would have prevented the
judgment from being pronounced. The term "coram nobis" is
Latin for "before us" and the meaning of its full form, quae
coram nobis resident, is "which [things] remain in our
presence". The writ of coram nobis originated in the English
court of common law in the English legal system during the
sixteenth century.)
5) De facto
a) really, infact, actual
b) Unrelated to
5) De facto
a) really, infact, actual
b) Unrelated to – De hors
6) Ex parte
a) Retrospective
b) On one side only
6) Ex parte
a) Retrospective – Ex post facto
b) On one side only
7) Falsi crimen
a) From a crime
b) Crime of falsity or forgery
7) Falsi crimen
a) From a crime – Ex delicto
b) Crime of falsity or forgery
8) Lapsus linguae
a) A slip of the pen
b) A slip of the tongue
c) A slip of the memory
8) Lapsus linguae
a) A slip of the pen – Lapsus calami
b) A slip of the tongue
c) A slip of the memory – Lapsus memoriae
9) Pro bono publico
a) Things of state dedicated to use of citizens
b) A thing which has no owner
c) For the public good
9) Pro bono publico
a) Things of state dedicated to use of citizens –
Res publica
b) A thing which has no owner – Res nullius
(Examples of res nullius in the socio-
economic sphere are wild animals or
abandoned property.)
c) For the public good
10) Zoon politikon (Ger.)
a) Beyond one’s power
b) A political being (said of man)
10) Zoon politikon (Ger.) (a term used and
popularised by Aristotle)
a) Beyond one’s power – Ultra vires (An act
which requires legal authority but is done
without it, is characterised in law as ultra
vires. Its opposite, an act done under proper
authority, is intra vires.)
b) A political being (said of man)

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