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Articles 10 – Article 15
By: John Abner Renolla & Sherwin Sulit
Article 10: Organizing a
Primary Cooperative

 Fifteen or more natural persons who are Filipino citizens.

 Legal Age.
 Common Bond of Interest.
 Residing or working in the intended area of operation
 Must have completed a Pre-Membership Education
Article 11: Economic

Group of individuals or cooperatives intending to form
a cooperative shall submit general statement:

 Structure and purpose of proposed cooperative.

 structural and actual staffing pattern of cooperative.
 not allowed to operate without necessary personnel.
Article 12: Liability

Cooperative have limited liability

Article 13: Term

 Cooperative shall exist for a period not exceeding 50
 May extended for periods no exceeding 50 years.
Article 14: Article of

1. All applying for registration shall file with the
authority of articles.
2. Articles of cooperation shall set forth.
2.1 Name of Cooperative.
2.2 Purpose and Scope of business
2.3 Term of existence
2.4 Area of operation and postal address
2.5 Information of registrants.
2.6 Common bond of membership

2.7 The list of the directors.
2.8 Amount of share capital, names and residence
of its contributors.
2.9 Statement if cooperative is primary, secondary,

3. Art. Of Cooperation may also contain any other
provision not inconsistent with this code or any related
4. (4) copies of the proposed article of cooperation, by-
laws, general statement.
5. No cooperative shall shall be registered unless:
5.1 accompanied with bonds of the accountable
5.2 sworn statement of treasurer
Article 15: By-laws

1. Each cooperative shall adopt by-laws.
2. by-laws cooperative shall provide
A. The qualifications for admission to membership and
B. The rights and liabilities of membership.
C. Circumstances under which membership is acquired
D. Procedure
E. Condition
F. Rules and procedures on the agenda.
G. The general conduct of affairs of the cooperative.

H. Manner in which the capital may be raised and the
purposes for which it can be utilize.
I. Mode of custody and of investment of net surplus
J. Accounting and auditing systems.
K. Manner of loaning and borrowing including

M. Manner of adopting. Amending, repealing, and
abrogating by-laws.
N. Conciliation or meditation mechanism.
O. Other matters incident to the purposes and activities
of cooperative.
L. Method of distribution of net surplus


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