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Alvarado Torres Víctor Manuel Ramírez Grimaldo Diana
Coronado Tello Carlos Ignacio Tristan Rios Jorge Alberto
Coronado Duque Carlos Humberto
Martínez Sustaita Alejandro
Pecina Izquierdo Rosalba Ruby
Quiñones Flores Osiel
What is a movie
 It is a series of still images that,
when projected onto a screen in
rapid succession, creates the
optical illusion of moving images.
Most popular genres

 It's a cinematic genre that uses science-

based speculative representations of
imaginary phenomena like aliens, alien
planets, and time travel, often alongside
technological elements like futuristic
spaceships, robots, and other technologies.
 It is a cinematographic genre in which the
spectacularity of the images by means of
special effects prevails leaving aside any
other consideration.
 It is a film with humor or that tries to
provoke the laughter of the audience.
Along with drama and science fiction,
comedy is one of the most important film
 It is a cinematographic genre that is
characterized by its focus on provoking
sensations of dread, terror, fear, disgust,
disgust, horror, discomfort or concern. His
arguments frequently develop the sudden
intrusion into a normal environment of
some force, event, or character of an evil
nature, often of criminal or supernatural
 It corresponds to movies with fantasy
themes, which usually include magic,
exotic fantasy worlds, or absolutely unreal
facts, characters or creatures that in no
way belong to the known reality of our
 It is a cinematographic genre that
reflects a heroic world of combat and
adventure, and in which chivalrous
action and values ​usually
 In animation cinema there is no real
movement to record, but images are
produced one by one, through
drawings, models, objects and other
multiple techniques
 It is a cinematographic genre that is
characterized by portraying
constructed plots of events and
characters related to the expression
of love and romantic relationships.
The highest grossing movies of
Avengers: Endgame
Global collection: 2,797,800,564 USD
Budget: $ 356 million
Study: Disney

The Lion King

Global collection: 1,656,556,149 USD
Budget: $ 250-260 million
Study: Disney
Frozen II
Global collection: 1,217,590,889 USD Spider-Man: Far From Home
Budget: $ 150 million Global collection: USD 1,131,927,996
Budget: $ 160 million
Study: Sony
Captain Marvel Toy Story 4
Global collection: 1,128,274,794 USD Global collection: 1,073,394,593 USD
Budget: $ 152-175 million Budget: $ 200 million
Study: Disney Study: Disney Joker
Global collection: 1,062,994,002 USD
Budget: $ 55-70 million
Studio: Warner Bros.

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