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Maria de Fatimas Secrets

Unravelling the 3 visions

Vision of Hell

We could Differentiate the demons from the souls

because of their appearance for the Demons were of
horrifying & sickly appearance like that of an
unknown beast
Los demonios se distinguían por
sus formas horribles y asquerosas
de animales espantosos y
desconocidos, pero transparentes y
Peace For the Souls of Mankind
the consecration of Russia to my
Immaculate Heart, and the
Communion of reparation on the First
Saturdays. If my requests are heeded,
Russia will be converted, and there
will be peace; if not, she will spread
her errors throughout the world,
causing wars and persecutions of the

 If people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out
Vendré a pedir la consagración de Rusia a mi
Inmaculado Corazón, y a la comunión
reparadora en los primeros sábados. Si
atendieran a mis pedidos, la Rusia se convertirá
• Primera viñeta aquí
y tendrán paz. Si no, esparcirá sus errores por el
• Segunda viñeta aquí mundo, promoviendo guerras y persecuciones a
• Tercera viñeta aquí
la Iglesia, los buenos serán martirizados
The Angel with a flaming sword
in his left hand; flashing, it gave
out flames that looked as though
they would set the world on fire

Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance,

Penance, Penance!‘
Beneath the two arms of the Cross
there were two Angels each with a
crystal aspersorium in his hand, in
which they gathered up the blood
of the Martyrs and with it
sprinkled the souls that were
making their way to God
Bajo los dos brazos de la
cruz estaban dos ángeles.
Cada uno con una jarra de
cristal en las manos,
recogiendo en ellos la
sangre de los mártires y con
ellos irrigando a las almas
que se aproximaban a Dios.
Thank You very Much

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