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Data Analysis I

Course Overview
Daniel Romero Rodriguez
Universidad Del Norte

Descriptive Statistics 1
• Presentation
• Course Information
• Statistics Overview

Descriptive Statistics 2
Key Definitions
Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis,
interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data.

Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with calculating the likelihood

of a given event's occurrence, which is expressed as a number between 1 and 0

Analytics is the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful

patterns in data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information,
analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer
programming and operations research to quantify performance.

Descriptive Statistics 3
Descriptive statistics

Summarizes data using tables,

plots and metrics

Descriptive Statistics 4
Inferential statistics

Enables decision making

based on a sample (subset).


-Pharmaceutical Industry
-Quality Control
-Design of Experiments

Descriptive Statistics 5
Predictive Statistics
• Regression Models, Regression Trees, Random Forest
• Classification Models
• Text Analytics, Cluster Analysis, etc.

Descriptive Statistics 6

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