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Warm up

Made by: Warisse Ljones MYP3

Definition of warm up
The definition of warm up is to prepare for physical
exertion or a performance by exercising or practising
gently beforehand.
Objective of warm up
The purpose of a warm-up is to prepare your body for
physical activity. The warm-up is generally used to
increase body temperature, increase heart rate and
breathing rate, and also help you mentally prepare for
exercise.The warm up can be looked at as a rehearsal
before the activity.
Design a warm up Part 1
● First run for 10 mins
● Then do 30 jumping jacks, do a pose of 10 seconds and
repeat this three times.
● After that do high knees for 30 seconds, do a pose of 10
seconds and repeat this three times.
● Do high heels for 30 seconds, do a pose of 10 seconds
and repeat this three times.
Design a warm up part 2
● After you did high heels, do 30 lunges, do a pose of 10
seconds and repeat this three times.
● Do 30 squats, do a pose of 10 seconds and repeat this
three times.
● When you’re done with all of these exercises, do 30 leg
swings, 20 shoulder circles on each shoulder, 20 arm
circles on each arm, 20 feets circles on each foot and 20
head swings. Don’t forget do change direction.

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