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Write Bros.
aWhere is A right and B wrong?
5. X, then and now. He tried to claim IP rights over the procedure
awhich he markets under his own name, aka Hot ____, inviting
derision both in India and abroad. He claims that the use of steam and
steamy language is an original contribution. Who/What?

The Rules
10 Questions
Infinite Bounce
10 points per correct answer

The Reciprocity Treaty of 1887 gave

Hawaii the right to export sugar duty
free in return for ceding a certain
territory to the USA. Which territory?
Vilhelm Bjerkness, regarded as the father
of modrn weather forecasting, came up
with the idea that volumes of air of
different temperatures interacted to form
cyclones. He borrowed from the language
of the battle field to create two terms to
describe these volumes. Name any one of
the two terms.
This product is supposed to have 8 qualities—
though nobody has managed all 8 at the same time.
They are:
It must not
Catch, mutilate, tear or tangle
It must
hold a thick set, must be thin, must use less wire so
as to be cheap, and most importantly, must be easy
to use.
What are we talking about?
a What are they talking about: concentrate on Panel 2!

In 1980 the chain store

magnate Luis Rentero
Suárez began to sponsor
this event and managed to
make the name of this
small Spanish town a
household name across the

This caricature might help

you guess the event.
Though seemingly straightforward, it is actually a
complex product, requiring 25 manufacturing steps to get
it to the rack. Key components include the outer fabric, or
"shell," which is cut on the bias, held together with a slip-
stitching that helps it recover from knotting, and rolled on
the edges for body; an interlining of silk, wool, or some
blend of fabric that is coordinated with the shell to add
weight and "hand"--i.e., feel; an extra slice of fabric
known as "facing" or "tipping" on the back; the
manufacturer's label, which contrary to popular practice is
not meant for tucking in the small end; and a "bar tack"
stitch which fastens the ends of the seams together.

4000 people were captured and put to
death during this 20-year campaign.
The network of informers used ended
up , with their families , in Jabalpur, at
a School of Industry, where they were
taught to make such things as silk
scarves and carpets.Which famous
1. Discovering cheating as applied to teachers
and sumo wrestlers
2. Information control as applied to the Ku Klux
Klan and real-estate agents
3. Drug dealing, including the surprisingly low
earnings and abject working conditions of
crack cocaine dealers
4. The controversial role legalized abortion has
played in reducing crime.
5. The negligible effects of good parenting on
6. The socioeconomic patterns of naming

The Rules
6 questions
Identify in writing for 10 points
30/2, 25/4 and 20/6 for theme:
negatives of -5 for every wrong
guess on theme.
1. Identify this military formation which takes its name
from the Greek word for finger?
This term is used for a ballroom dance
of Cuban origin in 2⁄4 or 4⁄4 time
marked by a delayed transfer of weight
and pronounced hip movements. The
same term is also used for the music
for this dance.
3. What was the official term for this 1958-61
4. The Long, The short, The
Rump, and the Oxford are
terms for what from a
contentious period in British
5. What generic term is used for these demonstrations?
6. Which 1996 film connects?
7. This 2002 film inspired many Indian imitations.
Identify this film and its most famous copy which also
filched a song by Arabian singer Amr Diab.

The Rules
Identify A,B, X, Y and Z
5 points each
Bonus of 10 points
The company A has functioned from Arrow Park in
Wisconsin for many years now. 1933 saw the introduction
of a watershed model, the Vacumatic, and with it the now
famous "Arrow" clip, designed by Joseph Platt. The
accessory X was manufactured in four colors: India Black,
Pan American Green, China Red, and the famous Tunis
Blue. Another product Y was first marketed in 1931. The
resulting product was strongly alkaline and contained
isopropyl alcohol, a solvent not previously. At that time,
most containers were manufactured using pyralin, which
was often damaged by the alcohol it contained. This
problem is what eventually led to the development of the
Z. However, the Z was only made available ten years after
Y, in 1941.
Early ads featured a hand writing out this
formula. It was eventually found that this
was a tongue-in-cheek recipe for B. When
people found out, somebody responded with
a letter saying “Who has heard of a B
without an olive?”.

The Rules
10 Questions
Infinite Bounce
10 points
The chemical compound curcumin is
said to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
when consumed. It is present in a
primary tastemaker and ingredient
found in Indian cooking and people
believe this is one reason why
Alzheimer’s incidence is really low in
India. Where do we get curcumin
1. Spain under dictator Francisco Franco, from 1939 until
2. China from around 1960 to 1978,
3. Burma under dictator Ne Win, who ruled the country
from 1962 to 1988.
4. Albania in 1976, when Communist Party leader Enver
Hoxha instituted a policy of what he termed "self-

Some people would add India to this list.

What are we talking about?

This is the only failure sustained by a 1973 agreement.
Which agreement? What do we see in the picture?
Disputes over the succession to the leadership of this
institution made headlines in 1992 . It may also have
indirectly inspired the plot of a South Indian film from
that time. Name institution and film.
Originally called Khadke or Big Rock.
It was later named Fatehnagar after
Shah Jehan captured it. It was renamed
in 1707 to mark the death of soembody
famous and has continued to be known
by that name since. The Nizams of
Hyderabad, who held this city during
the 18th century managed to prevent the
mArathas from gaining control. Which
city, better known for a ghastly copy of
another monument?
“He first describes a small hook and swings upward to
delineate the left arm, then the head and horns, the right
arm and then the spine; at frantic speed – which is shown
by the thinness of the line – he scribbles two wavering
hind legs before he slows down, almost to a stop, while
drawing the soft curve of the underbelly. As if he
suddenly remembers there is more to do, he swiftly shoots
straight up to fill in the facial structures and without
breaking the flow, signs off with a flourish.”

What is being described here?

7. Historically, a particular Indian industry has
a depended on imports such as aspen from Sweden,
Canada, America, and Russia;; balsam poplar
from Manchuria; and linden from Japan. The
government quickly moved to encourage the use
of indigenous materials by restricting the import
of foreign poplars. One result of the early use of
these materials has been that the consumer is
prone to a Fair & Lovely problem of sorts, placing
further limitations on the selection of indigenous
Which industry? What problem are we talking
Which buzzword associated with the
world of IT was popularized if not
invented by Peter Drucker as the title
of Chapter 12 in his book The Age of
This company was founded under a long name—
abbreviated to ABB—in 1949. Three years later,
the founder chose a shorter name, apt because it
meant two desirable things in two different
The distinctive objects associated with the
company were originally made from cellulose
acetate, though more modern forms are made of
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene or ABS. These
objects work by what is known as a stud-and-tube-
coupling mechanism among design engineers.
Which company?
It is a set of economic principles partly
inspired by the idea that individuals ought
to do good work in order to ensure proper
human development.

The term was coined by Ernst Schumacher

in 1955, when he travelled to Burma as an
economic consultant for Prime Minister U
Nu, and is reprinted in his book Small is
Beautiful. The Bhutanese idea of Gross
National Happiness is seen as an extension
of this idea. What?

The Rules
6 questions
Identify in writing for 10 points
30/2, 25/4 and 20/6 for theme:
negatives of -5 for every wrong
guess on theme.
1. Poster for?
2. Identify the subject of this painting by Rembrandt. He’s
the patron saint of Spain.
3. Who led the victorious forces in this battle?
4. Identify this explorer who tried to trace the source of the
Ogoooue River in Gabon.
5. The Battle of Blood River 1838. Name either the leader
of the victors or the two parties involved.
By what name is the idea that the
Western Hemisphere was not to be
further colonized by European
countries, and also that the United
States would not interfere with existing
European colonies nor in the internal
concerns of European countries
7. Poster for which Julie Andrews starrer?
8. Identify the painter or the subject.
The phrase Resource Curse is often used for countries like
____ which happens to be the world’s seventh largest
producer of crude oil but is yet unable to lift itself out of
the list of the poorest. Which country in Africa?

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